The Great Date #2

The Married Groups folks at NPCC started this really cool “experiment” last month. Each month, for the next six months, they are creating a “Great Date” for married couples that corresponds with one of the “6 Essentials to a Healthy Marriage.” The greatest part about the Great Date is that it takes all the planning out of going out. You just get a sitter, go pick up a packet, and it tells you what to do (with plenty of options). The packet also gives you discussion questions/topics for each step of your date leading you and your spouse to talk about things that maybe you haven’t talked about in awhile. There are also fun little things to do too. 
This month’s Great Date was around the essential of Cultivate Communication. We picked up our packet and started following the directions. Now, please note that not knowing what was coming next and accepting it was a HUGE step for yours truly. I DO NOT like surprises or not knowing the plan. Ask anyone.
Here we are at The Pig and Chick – a BBQ place in Alpharetta. The directions said we had to let the server/cashier order for us. My eyes nearly popped out of my head at that one. So, we went somewhere where we knew we’d eat just about everything on the menu. Not to mention BBQ makes my sweetie VERY happy. I even got steamed broccoli out of it. It’s was yummy.

This is me yelling in public “My husband is so hot!” Again, my eyes popped out of my head when I read that I was supposed to do that. While I do believe that with my whole being, yelling it out loud was a little scary. David kindly reminded me that “public” is anywhere out in the open, and I yelled it when there really wasn’t anyone around to hear me. Whew, I followed the directions, and I didn’t embarrass myself. Win for me! The other fun direction was that we were supposed to kiss at every stoplight until someone honked. My loving sweetie, knowing that I would die of embarrassment if I did that, kissed me at every light but stopped when it turned green. Did I mention how much I love him. We did stop kissing at red lights after he had a coffee. Bluck, I hate coffee.

Here we are at the mall. The directions told us to go somewhere and “do something” while talking about one section. We ended up at the mall. We used to window shop all the time together when we were dating, but don’t do it much anymore. It was fun to just hang out. We did purchase a couple things – mostly for Maggie. There were Hannah Montanna t-shirts on sale at the Disney store for $3 – couldn’t pass that up!

Our final task was to go to a grocery store and buy a dessert for each other that the person had never tried and was under $2. Well, please, under $2 – who wants to try it. So, we cheated there. David had the harder task on this one as I’ve tried just about everything out there. He ended up getting me these Premium M&M’s – I moaned when I ate them, won’t deny it. SO yummy. 

After that we headed home, relieved the babysitter, and then, well, that’s all you really need to know. Oh yeah…. 
All in all, it was an awesome evening devoted just to our marriage. We both loved the discussion questions and spending time specifically thinking about each other, just as we did “back in the day.” 
You should try it – you can download the first one now –
Stay tuned for next month’s date. We’re definitely going!

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