Princess Comparisons

It’s that time of year where I sit and look at pictures and wonder what happened to my baby girl. She seems to grow by leaps and bounds, and the passing of time never seems more clear as when you compare pictures. So, here are a couple of comparisons for you.

First Day of Second Grade

Last Day of Second Grade

Making me feel even older is if I compare the photo above to this one:

First Day of Kindergarten

How is she getting SO big SO fast? How do I make it stop!!!???

I took this picture today:

05 29 10

She’s so beautiful. So grown up. Especially when you compare it to a picture from almost a year ago where she’s wearing the same shirt, when it was MUCH looser.

06 13 09

I don’t know if you can see it, but in the picture from last year, she’s missing half her teeth in the front! They are now all back in beautifully!

I know they have to grow up. I know that I can’t stop it, but every once in awhile I want to pause time. To just stop and look at this amazing young lady she is becoming. To enjoy the stage that she is at on THIS day. To just cherish THIS moment.

4 thoughts on “Princess Comparisons

  1. Wow! This is not helping me accept my fate as the mom of a soon-to-be kindergartener!
    Seriously, though I remember sitting in my office reading your email plan about her birth-that ended up being thrown out the window! ๐Ÿ™‚
    How is she going into the 3rd grade??
    For the record, I’m ready for the Hills to move to my neck of the woods! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Wow. I remember first seeing the first day of kindergarten picture and thinking how grown up she was and remembering the day she was born. I remember thinking she was so grown up and that my boy would never be that grown. Now, my boy is ready to start 2nd in the fall and my girl ready to go to kindy. Seems like it was just yesterday when the announcements of our pregnancies were the big shockers of the day. They grow up too fast.

  3. Gramps always says she is growing up too fast. He says that to Ella too. But never tells the boys to stop growing. I think he misses his little girls!

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