Menu Plan Monday: 01 17 11

Do you menu plan? If you don’t, I don’t know how you make it through the week. Seriously, I don’t. Just having this plan on paper (or on the blog) makes me rest a little easier. In fact, this month, I took stock of my freezer and made a meal plan for the month. Have we kept to it? Nope. Has it helped me each Monday when I sit down to plan for the week. YES IT HAS! Just knowing what I have the main ingredients for is AWESOME. Not having to think things through each and every week is GREAT!

If you don’t menu plan, you should try it. For real!

Monday: Leftovers

Tuesday: Sausage Zucchini bake (a variation of this)

Wednesday: Chicken (turkey) Pot Pie – The Princess is cooking. She made us dinner last week too.

Thursday: Sausage and cheese quiche (a variation of this)

Friday: Leftovers

Saturday: Out or leftovers

Sunday: Nana coming for dinner. Not sure what we’re cooking yet.

Linked to Menu Plan Monday at

Live Love Serve 01 15 11


The Benefit of Living in a Small Home: I Dream of Clean – We are moving into a small home soon. I am SO EXCITED about our new house. It is just the space we need. However, it is going to take some getting used to. I love this list of benefits.

Make a Household Notebook: Life As Mom – In an attempt to get us ready for our new home, I am trying to get us organized. I love the Life As Mom site and the helpful mom tips she has. This post is PACKED with resources for making a household notebook.

6 Containerizing Rules to Consider: Organizing Your Way – With the small house will come the need to containerize to the max. Guest poster, Orgjunkie, has some great tips in this post.


Fostering Independence in Kids: Simple Mom – I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. There are so many things in this post that we’ve done with the Princess. And, yes, we have an INDEPENDENT KID. And, yes, it’s awesome – most of the time.

Cheap Ways to Beat Cabin Fever: The Thrifty Mama – With all the snow in the country, there have been many families that have been spending extra quality time together. This is a great post that lists several frugal ways to spend family time while stuck inside!


Mercy Benefit Day Preview: We Are That FamilyTHIS MONDAY there is an amazing fundraiser for Mercy House Kenya. This post previews everything that is going to be auctioned. Check out the amazing stuff with all the proceeds going to a GREAT cause.

Operation Christmas Child 11 Months Away: Impress Your Kids – Amanda’s tub of fun looks like the one I’ve already started. It’s never to early to start preparing for Operation Christmas Child.

Linked to Saturday Stumbles at Simply Staci.

Losing It! 01 14 11

Happy Friday Losing It! friends! How was your week? Did you get back to “normal” this week? After a four day week last week, we had high hopes of normalcy this week. Alas, it snowed Sunday night, and we’ve been SNOWED IN since then! Like seriously, snowed in. Well, actually we’re iced in. LOTS and LOTS of ice that won’t melt because it hasn’t gotten above freezing. Very crazy for the ATL I’ll tell you. I went to the grocery store yesterday and gripped the steering wheel tight the entire time.

Needless to say, exercise has been difficult. However, trekking around in the snow and cold burned some calories I’m sure. We did go as a family to the Y on Sunday before the snow came in. It was fun to make it a family outing and not just me rushing off by myself. We’re hoping to do that more in the future. Goal for the week. GET MORE EXERCISE!

I didn’t gain anything this week, which is a small miracle. However, I didn’t lose anything either. I’m having trouble getting motivated to eat better again. I’ve lost 28 pounds and that’s nice. I’ve apparently figured out how to maintain without working too hard. I’ve gotten lazy is what’s happened. No longer disciplined. No longer enthusiastic. SO, I need to find my groove again. **sigh** I’m just not sure where to find it. Definitely not in the brownies I made yesterday!

Goals for the week:

  • Exercise 3 times
  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  • Keep my food journal

What are your goals for this coming week?

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The Newest Chef at House of Hills

Tonight, The Princess made dinner for us. Like seriously, I was her sous chef/handler of hot things, but she was pretty much in charge of dinner. Here’s how it started.

This afternoon I decided the roads had probably thawed enough that we could head to the grocery store since we were now out of milk and strawberries – the two most important things at the House of Hills. The Princess then stated that she wanted to get some things at the store “herself” (that starts at 2 and never ends) because she wanted to cook. She then got a lecture on the fact that we were not going to waste food so that she could play with it and “make something up.” She doesn’t know enough about cooking to just throw something together that is edible so IF SHE WANTED TO COOK, SHE NEEDED A RECIPE. I thought that was the end of that….Nope.

The Princess marched (literally) over to the cookbook cabinet and grabbed her copy of “Paula Deen’s My First Cookbook” (that I gave her Christmas of 2008), flipped to the dinner section, and announced that she was making stuffed shells for our dinner. Ever the flexible mommy (please insert laughter here), I agreed. You see I had just done this post this morning about God and family time and using this snowcation to build relationships so I, um, needed to practice what I was preaching. I do believe she was slightly shocked that I agreed.

We looked over the recipe and discussed what we had on hand and what we needed to get at the store. The original recipe did not call for any actual meat so I suggested that we add some sausage for Daddy. Anything for Daddy, so sausage got added. We jumped (well slid a bit really – ice you know) into the car and headed to the grocery store. The Princess brought her cookbook with her so she wouldn’t forget anything.

Once we arrived at the grocery, The Princess announced that she was going to get a basket, gather her things, and meet me at the checkout. Um, NO! We then had a discussion lecture about how I loved her too much to allow her to go willy-nilly throughout the grocery store. Someone would steal her, I would be sad, and there would be no dinner. After a short pout, we moved on with our shop.

WHAT A GREAT AFTERNOON we ended up having. While shopping for the things she needed to make dinner, we had amazing conversations about brand differences, price differences, where to find certain items, what Daddy likes to eat, what Mommy likes to eat. She listened intensely and soaked it all in. I was in awe of her attention. Once we got home, we unpacked the groceries and planned out the rest of the afternoon based on the time she wanted to serve dinner.

The Princess didn’t pick the easiest recipe to do. Stuffed shells has multiple steps involved. First we browned the sausage. I will admit that I did a good bit of this part. It was hot and hard for her to do. Then, we cut coupons for awhile until it was time to boil the shells. While the shells were cooking, we mixed the filling. Then, she assembled (with only a bit of help from me), and we put it into the oven to bake.

It was delicious! Of course, it was Paula Deen so that was a bonus. My Sweetie and I enjoyed it very much. Even more amazing, The Princess ate one of the stuffed shells. Like, an entire shell. That is AMAZING!! She is the pickiest eater out there. In fact, she hadn’t planned on eating any of what she was cooking. She was cooking for Mommy and Daddy. She didn’t think she’d like it. I was so proud of her for trying it. Then, she ate the whole thing. AMAZING! And, we discovered she likes plain cottage cheese. Who knew!

I’m going to bed one very proud mama. Proud of my girl for cooking for the family. Proud of my girl for trying something she seriously didn’t think she’d like. Proud of my girl for growing up and becoming the amazing young lady I know God has planned. It’s days like these that I want to hold onto. I want to remember the look of accomplishment on her face when she placed the dinner plates on the table. I want to remember the joy on her face when Daddy pronounced it delicious. I want to remember it all.

Next week, she’s making Chicken Pot Pie. Can’t wait!

Stuffed Shells
(Adapted from Paula Deen’s My First Cookbook)

  • 1 Box Jumbo Shells
  • 1 Pound Small Curd Cottage Cheese
  • 1 Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • 2 Cups Spaghetti Sauce
  • 2 Cups Grated Mozzarella Cheese
  • 1 Pound Mild Sausage*
  • 2 Shakes Red Pepper Flakes*
  • 1 – 2 Tsp Italian Seasoning*
    • * indicates what we added to the original recipe

Preheat oven to 350. Boil shells according to package directions. Brown sausage.

Mix sausage, cottage cheese, and Parmesan cheese together in a bowl.

Spray 9×13 pan with cooking spray.

Add red pepper flakes and Italian seasoning to spaghetti sauce. (Basically season it to your liking.) Spread a thin layer of sauce on the bottom of the pan.

Stuff shells with a heaping teaspoon of cheese mixture and place them side by side in the dish. Cover the shells with the rest of the sauce, and then sprinkle the mozzarella cheese evenly over the top.

Bake for 25 minutes or until the mozzarella is bubbly and brown. Allow to cool for a few minutes before serving.

We’re bored inside! What to do?

After watching my Facebook and Twitter feed for the last twenty-four hours of all the parents lamenting the fact that they are “stuck” at home for another day with their children, I thought maybe we all needed to take a different perspective.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m ready to get back to the normal routine, especially since we just had Christmas break. I have a full-time job that I can do from anywhere. So, I’m working from home and having to balance the time with the family and the time with the computer.

However, what a gift this time is…truly. It’s as if God took a look at our crazy, insane, go go go lives, and said, “You all just need to pause and spend time together.” Then, He trapped us in our houses to make it happen.

Here are some ideas of things that you can do with your kids (young and old) today.
The pink ones are links.

1. Cuddle in bed and read a book.
2. Experiment with your leftover candy canes.
3. Make shakers with empty water bottles and beans/rice and have fun making different rhythms as you dance around the house.
4. Bake a batch of cookies for home or to deliver to a neighbor.
5. Clean out the toy box. Make it a game.
6. Make edible snowmen.
7. Play charades.
8. Have a drawing contest. Put a still life in the middle of the table and have everyone draw it from a different angle.
9. Act out your favorite fairy tale.
10. Have a dance party with your favorite tunes.
11. Make homemade playdough.

  • 1 pkg koolaid
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 3 tbsp cooking oil

12. Make homemade goo.
13. Make cereal necklaces with Fruit Loops or Cheerios.
14. Make puppets with lunch sacks and markers.
15. Make Tie Die Coffee Filters.

Those are just some ideas that spilled out this morning. I’m not sure what we’re going to do today. I know we are going to do some cleaning. And, then, we might make some goo. My Princess loves playing with goo…

What are you going to do today?

Works for Me Wednesday: Sledding without a Sled

In case you haven’t heard, there has been just a bit (like half a foot!) of snow here in the ATL. And people, it ain’t going nowhere! As in, we are all snowed in, which isn’t a bad thing really. The first snow day we had a TON of fun sliding down the hill on the golf course, so we headed out there for a second day.

The problem was, the nice neighbors who had lent us their awesome sleds weren’t out, so we had to use our own stuff. I have an great sled with runners from back in the day, but this snow wasn’t good for that type of sled. We needed something slick that distributed the Princess’s weight evenly so it would go fast.

So, we tried….

A swim ring.

A boogie board from our last beach trip.

A pool boat for toddlers.

The verdict – the pool boat worked the best, especially when weight was distributed across the sides and no booty was in the boat. Then, another neighbor came out with his two girls, a can of silicone spray and two trash can lids. We shared our pool floats, and he shared his silicone spray, and they got some good speed going down the hill.

Sledding without a sled… it works for me… and it works for her too…

Linked to Works For Me Wednesday at We Are That Family.

Top Ten Tuesday: Snow Images O1.10.11

It snowed Sunday night in the ATL. I mean it SNOWED. We usually get a dusting here in the South. I’ve done other posts about snow in the South. We’ve played in it before. We even made indoor snowmen while waiting for it.

However, this snow we had Sunday night. It was some SERIOUS SNOW. There is over half a foot on the porch. People, we don’t get that much snow down here. Well, not since 1993 anyway. Needless to say, Monday was a snow day. Tuesday will be too. I have a feeling we’ll have another one on Wednesday. I’m just hoping the sun comes out and does some thawing because the temperature at my house…it’s not supposed to be above freezing before Saturday. Ya, that’s some winter weather ya’ll.

I thought I’d show you ten images from yesterday, Monday, a GREAT SNOW DAY!

My girl after a GREAT morning in the snow.

Daddy sending her down the hill in front of the house.

Daddy pulling her back up the hill.
Such a NICE Daddy!

Daddy pulling the girl and her friend towards the golf course.

Getting ready to go down the hill on the golf course.

This is the ultimate sled.
We are so getting one for next time.

Going down the hill on the Snowboogie. Wahoo!

Snow Angel

Look how DEEP the snow is!

Bringing in the snow for SNOW CREAM!

Linked to Top Ten Tuesday at

Menu Plan Monday: 01 09 11

Today is a SNOW DAY here in the ATL. I’ll be posting pictures later, but am late getting to the blogging because I was having too much fun in the snow!

I have a work retreat at the end of the week so the family will be living off leftovers. We already have a good many in the fridge so I’m really only cooking a few times this week!

Monday: LEFTOVERS – the fridge is full! We have all sorts of possibilities

Tuesday: Baked Chicken Legs – not sure what I’m going to do with them yet, asparagus, rice or noodles

Wednesday: Pot Roast with carrots and potatoes

Thursday: Daddy Night – Leftovers

Friday: Daddy Night – Leftovers

Saturday: Family Dinner at my mom’s. I think we’re having flank steak. Yum!

Sunday: Hamburgers, chips, some kind of veggie

I’m pretty sure we are also going to be consuming large quantities of homemade hot chocolate mix. I was going to link to the recipe, but I don’t have it on the blog! I shall rectify that tonight during the football game!

What are you cooking this week? Any ideas of what to do with my chicken legs?

Linked to Menu Plan Monday at