Finer Thing Fridays: Washable Lovies

The tummy bug has hit the House of Hills. The Princess had a bit of a fever last night and then woke up this morning with a race to the bathroom. This is NOT a finer thing.

See the Princess’s Lovies – her Beary and Bunny. They ARE a FINER THING. They’re washable!!!! They’re the TY Pluffies. And, they’ve been washed many, many, many times over the years. She’s had Beary since birth. She was a reflux baby so Beary ended up christened with bodily fluids often. He would take a bath almost daily. Bunny came along when she was about two, and they have been a set ever since. It is so helpful to have washable lovies.

Another FINER THING – we have a second set of Beary and Bunny. So, while the first set is taking a bath, the Princess can cuddle with the second set.

Washable Lovies – A FINER THING

Amy has lots more finer things over at Finer Things Friday.

0 thoughts on “Finer Thing Fridays: Washable Lovies

  1. We are so sad that Maggie is not in school today. Our day will not be the same! šŸ™ I hope she feels better soon. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  2. Pingback: Snow Day * Sick Day « h o u s e o f h i l l s

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