Works For Me Wednesday: Packing Snacks

We were traveling for Thanksgiving and needed to pack some snacks. Of course we needed snacks. Who travels without snacks? Nobody I know.

Anyhow, I typically just throw all the snacks in a reusable grocery bag and toss that in the car. Then, by the end of the trip, we’ve got majorly crushed snacks. Whomever gets the last baggie of chips is actually having to pour them into their mouth.

This trip, I got smart. I grabbed an empty Tupperware container (Yours doesn’t have to be actual Tupperware. I just seem to have a plethora of Tupperware containers. That happens when you host a big party.) and put all the snacks nice and neat inside. Don’t they look lovely?

The best part – no smashed chips or Oreos. Everything stayed perfectly whole.

Now, I know this isn’t a brilliant idea, but it’s something I’d never thought of and it works for me. So, I thought I’d share.

Linked to Works For Me Wednesday.

7 thoughts on “Works For Me Wednesday: Packing Snacks

  1. Good call! I got similarly positive results by using the reusable grocery bag but putting each type of snack in a glass jar or plastic box instead of a bag. The snack bag was kind of heavy and clanky, but we didn’t have to move it very often. Another benefit was being able to close the containers securely, whereas the bags that things like crackers come in have to be clipped or rubber-banded (and then that clip or band disappears on the car floor) and often rip unexpectedly.

    • Oh yes – you can’t take the full bag of snacky foods on the trip – you will lose whatever clip you need FOR SURE! We always do individual portions in baggies for easier access and for limiting consumption. Snacks – a complicated thing…

  2. Both great ideas! I never used to travel with snacks because I always ate too many…but now that I have little kids & a more-than-six-hour drive “home,” I don’t really have a choice. I’ll have to try this next time.

    P.S. I love that it is snowing on your blog!

  3. Kinda funny…this is the first trip I’ve ever done that I haven’t used a plastic container. I usually do a laundry basket though…we go for lots of snacks! We pulled out of the driveway the other night and started up the hill when I heard, “Mama, can I have a cookie? We’re out of the driveway so we’re officially on vacation so it’s time to eat cookies.” My son…I know where he gets it! 🙂

    • Love the cookie story – that’s hysterical. My child too seems to think that the snacking should start immediately. She does usually wait until we are on the highway though! LOL.

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