30 Day Giving Challenge 2012

It’s November 1st. What does that mean in your house?

Well, I mean besides that fact that you’re trying to figure out what you’re going to do with all your kids’ Halloween candy. I mean a person can only eat so many Butterfingers before they explode. Don’t ask me how I know this.

But really, what does November mean for you and your family? For most of us here in the U.S., it means being thankful, listing our blessings, family time, turkey.

At the House of Hills, November means GIVING. For the last two years, we’ve participated in the 30 Day Giving Challenge. I tried to document every day in 2010 and in 2011, but I always seem to slack off once we get past our BIG GIVE, my Operation Christmas Child Birthday Party. I’m having that earlier in the month this year. Hopefully, that will give me enough energy to make it to the end sharing with you each day how we gave at the House of Hills.

The thing is we are a giving group at our house. It’s the way we are wired. We all get excited when we’re able to give a small gift, help someone, or just give our time in some way. Because it’s not that hard for us, we sometimes aren’t intentional about it. Then, it can fall by the wayside. We love the 30 Day Giving Challenge because it recalibrates our giving senses. It makes us look for ways we can help others—ways we might have missed if we weren’t being intentional.

There are so many ways to give and love others, but sometimes we need help thinking of them. When I posted last month that I never went into a teacher conference empty-handed, I got amazing responses that basically said, “I’ve never thought of that. Thanks for the idea!”

We want to share our giving ideas with you this month! So check in each day to see what we did to give. And, you can check out the 30 Day Giving Challenge Pinterest Board that several bloggers are working on together.

Whether you’re able to give every day of November or maybe just one, I challenge you to play along with us. You’ll be thankful that you did.

What’s the best “give” you’ve ever received?


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