Summer is Here!! Packing for Camp

We took the Princess to camp yesterday. I am still struggling with that. I haven’t known what she’s doing for over twenty-four hours. This is SERIOUSLY killing me. Yes, I’m used to being in control. Like, seriously used to being in control.

I had to have a bit of control. So, I packed her as well as I could to make the trip as easy as possible for her.

I learned several years ago that it is easier for the Princess to be independent if I set her up to succeed. That means making it easy for to get dressed each morning.

What makes choosing an outfit as easy as pie? Ziplocs!!!!

We all know I have a love for Ziplocs. Love them!

I pack each of the Princess’s daily outfits in a Ziploc.

Then, I squeeze all the air out of the the bags and line them nice and straight in a duffle.

I added an extra Ziploc with spare panties and socks. I put in her jammies and swimsuits. I added her bag of toiletries and a pouch with her Bible, journal, flashlight and pens. She was all packed and ready to go.

The best part was that the duffle bag fit nicely on the shelf the Princess was provided at camp. She can live right out of the duffle…

And have a blast a camp.

Linked to Works for Me Wednesday because packing in Ziplocs works for me!

Works For Me Wednesday: The Gift Card Box

Life is often hectic here at the House of Hills. I always think it’s going to slow down and then nope, it doesn’t. I have therefore resorted to gift cards for kids’ birthday parties.

Yep, I said it. I’m THAT mom that brings just a card for the birthday princess  (or prince) to open. You are secretly clicking your tongue at me aren’t you? I know you are.

I’ve actually gotten SO LAZY about birthday party presents that I now keep a box/basket with generic “Happy Birthday” cards and assorted $10 gift cards in it. I do! It’s true! As we are preparing to go to the party, we pull out the box, choose a birthday card, and choose a gift card to go in it. No last minute trip to the store. No gift wrap to buy. No ribbons and tissue.

See, now you’re jealous. Now you’re thinking it might be a good idea.

Yep, the Gift Card Box works for me. In fact, I’m making one for my Katie’s widower. Then, he doesn’t have to think worry about kids’ birthday party presents either!  He thinks I’m brilliant by the way.

Do you do the Gift Card Box? Or, do you have the gift closet? How do you manage all the kids’ birthday parties you are asked to attend.

Linked to Works for Me Wednesday. You’ll want to pop over there. Kristen has a giveaway today!

Works for Me Wednesday: Edible Arrangements

I’m allergic to fresh flowers. If there is a fresh flower arrangement in the middle of the table, by the end of the meal, I’ve got a runny nose and my eyes hurt. It’s annoying. Truly.

When the Princess was born, people who didn’t know that about me sent me flowers…at the hospital…in that tiny room. Ya, that’s not so good. Whomever happened to be visiting at the time of the flowers arrival got to go home with a nice bouquet. The flowers couldn’t stay!

When my friend Katie passed away a few weeks ago, I got flowers from the #sisterchicks. However, they know me…well apparently. They sent me an Edible Arrangement. Have you seen these?

They are beautiful! And, you can eat them! All the fruit was fresh. The chocolate was high quality. There truly is NOTHING better than a chocolate covered strawberry. NOTHING. We at the House of Hills loved our arrangement.

So, if you want to send flowers and the person is allergic to them, send them some edible ones. They worked for me.

Let me just add a special THANK YOU to the #sisterchicks for reaching out to me during my grief. It meant more than you will ever know.

Disclosure: I was not paid for this post in any way. This is just my little opinion here.

Linked to Works For Me Wednesday.