Losing It! 07 23 10

Hello Losing It Ladies!!

I hope everyone had a great week! I enjoyed sun and fun over at Edisto Beach, SC this week. Lots of time spent riding the waves and soaking up the rays! I only walked one day (it was SOOOO hot), but I did use up lots of calories riding waves with the Princess. I felt like I’d lifted weights after the first day. I also didn’t really count calories, but just ate smart. I even had ice cream a couple days! Oh my!

And I lost the pound I had gained. Whoop! Now, I just have two more to lose by next week to make my goal. That means I’ve got to buckle down this week. Here’s the plan…

1. Drink only water. Exception – my one glass of tea in the AM for caffiene.
2. Walk five of the seven days.
3. Count calories each day. As in actually pay attention!

So how are all of you doing? We had some new folks check in last week in the comments section. Be sure to touch base with them and cheer them on!

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Losing It! 07 16 10

Happy Friday Losing It! Ladies!!!

I can’t believe it’s Friday again and time to report in. How did everyone do?

I will admit that the past two or three days, I’ve not done well. That monthly issue that visits each month. Ya, Aunt Flo. She’s visiting. I WANT TO EAT ALL DAY LONG when she is here. And, I don’t want to eat carrots and celery – I’ll tell you that. The last few months I’ve done pretty well. But, combine Aunt Flo with stress at work and my BFF Katie fighting the big C down in Houston this week – it whipped me. It whipped me good. I’ve had something big and sweet (and not sugar free) for the last three days.

In fact, I’m not going to get on the scales tonight like a usually do. Not gonna do it. It would be defeating.

However, tomorrow is another day. So, I will get up, and I will walk, and I will count calories, and I will work hard to stay in this new lifestyle that I’ve made for myself. I’m SO close to my halfway mark that I can taste it. I SO want to be down a total of thirty pounds by the end of July. If I continue to work hard, I can do it. So hear me say it people! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! I will carry on!

Whew! That bold statement made me tired. Time to go to sleep before I eat anything else.

How did you do this week? Link up so we can cheer for and encourage you. Love all you Losing It! Ladies!!!

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LOSING IT! 07.09.10

Hello Losing It Friends!!!!!

I’m behind on my writing, but wanted to go ahead and put up the linky so people could link up.

I’ll be back later to tell you how my week went.


I’m back. Whew! I needed that shower. Then I had a breakfast meeting. Then I got caught in conversations at the office. So, whew, here I am again!!

I had a pretty good week. Well, I just did the math – I had a GREAT week. Lost another two pounds. That puts me at 28 pounds total. Whoop! Whoop! That’s pretty exciting huh? How did I do. Still walking almost every day. Watching what I put in my mouth – both amount and what. And drinking LOTS of water. It is pretty hot down here in the south. You’ve got to drink LOTS of water. ALL the time. I’m thinking I’ve got to be up to a gallon of water a day. Seriously.

How did you guys do this week? Did everyone exercise? Did you meal plan?

Can’t wait to hear!

Be sure to link up!!

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Losing It! 07 02 10

Hello Losing It! Ladies!

I hope everyone had a great week. It is raining here in the ATL this morning so I didn’t go on my walk. Well, truth be told, I hadn’t planned to go on my walk since I stayed up too late reading. Hopefully, I can go on one this evening after the Princess goes to bed. I sleep so much better when I walk!

How was your week?

I know that Mel over at Simply Mel answered the call to the elliptical this week. Way to go Mel!!

And, following Dedra from JustAChick on Twitter let me know that she has been a running fool this week. Whoop! Whoop!

I love following these ladies and checking in on the rest of the Losing It! gang on Fridays. Be sure to follow us on twitter using the #losingit10 hashtag. It’s great to get encouragement all week long!

My week went okay. I lost another half a pound. So, I’m at 26 pounds total. That’s pretty insane to me. A major accomplishment. Of course, I’m only halfway there. Gotta keep going.

We had the reunion last weekend, and I discovered something about myself. I can’t have just one sweet. It’s not really possible. Well, I can have like a few M&M’s and be okay, However, I CANNOT eat a cookie and expect to eat only one. I find myself back at the cookies again and again and again. Last Sunday was a REALLY bad day. Like REALLY bad. We had all these sweets out on the counter for the reunion, and I found cookies in my mouth over and over again. And, it’s like I found them there. I don’t remember picking them up – or making a decision to pick them up. They were just there – in my hand and in my mouth. Once I had one, I had to have more. Like an addict. It was BAD.

I was pretty upset with myself the next day. Especially since I felt AWFUL! I had consumed WAY too much sugar. I went on my walk Monday morning and walked hard just trying to get the toxins out. I kept drinking water and drinking water and drinking water. It’s like I needed to cleanse myself. My body was NOT happy with me – at all. My body forgave me by Tuesday, and I forgave myself. When you mess up bad like that, you’ve got to start the next day with a clean slate. You can’t take back the cookies, so you’ve got to forgive yourself and move on. It’s one day at a time!

Did you have a bad day this week? Did you forgive yourself?

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Losing It! 06 25 10

Hello Losing It! Ladies! I hope you all had an amazing week. I can’t wait to read how everyone did. Be sure to link up down at the bottom of the post.

After my passionate post last week, I got nothing this week. Seriously. Nothing.

I took four days off from walking because it is so stinkin’ hot hear in the ATL and “Aunt Flo” was visiting. A dreadful combination in my opinion. Then it was SO hard to get back in the walking groove. I came up with MANY EXCUSES, but did drag myself out of bed every day since Monday. And it has been some dragging let me tell you. Then, I had bad days at work Monday and Tuesday. SO much stress. Stress makes me eat. The stress won a couple times, but it wasn’t as bad as it’s been in the past. I didn’t run to Sonic – so that’s good. And I’m still off Diet Coke – a major victory after the week I had.

I’ve decided I’m actually addicted to Diet Coke. Like an alcoholic needs a beer, I need a Diet Coke. It is a daily battle. That is INSANE! However, I haven’t had one since February. Whoop!

With all the craziness of the week, I only lost half a pound. That’s right. You read it. I LOST weight. I have no idea how that happened. I was sure I had gained with my wacky eating. But I didn’t. Praise God!

This weekend is our family reunion. All the Yankee cousins are coming down to the South, and we are showing them real Southern hospitality with all the trimmings. Like, biscuits and gravy, grits, pecan bars, peanuts, and all those other fattening southern foods. Pray for my resistance please!!!

So, how did you do this week. Let us know how to cheer you on!!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Excuses/Reasons Not To Walk

So, I’ve been Losing It! for awhile now, and one of the things that has REALLY (and I mean REALLY) helped take off the weight is walking.

Now, I can’t walk on a treadmill. Well, I mean I can walk on a treadmill. You just stand there and walk for goodness sakes. However, I DO NOT LIKE to walk on a treadmill. One, I feel like I’m going to fall and so hold on to the bars for dear life. Two, it is so BORING! Doesn’t matter if I’m listening to a book/music/podcast or reading. I just watch the clock.

What I have found is that I enjoy (as much as I’m able to enjoy exercise) taking a walk. However, I like to take a walk first thing in the morning. It’s really the only time I have. So, a little over a month ago I started getting up at 5am to walk. And, it was working well. I get time with just me and God to start my day. I do lots of planning during that time too.

Unfortunately, I took a little break over this past weekend (a four day break mind you) and although I’ve done it, it has been SO HARD to get up these past two days to walk. I’ve literally curled up in my bed and let these excuses reasons run through my head as to why I shouldn’t get up.

1. I’m tired – Duh, it’s 5am, of course I’m tired.

2. “Aunt Flo” is visiting – she’s a good excuse reason for lots of stuff isn’t she

3. It’s hot – It is “Africa hot” here in the ATL

4. It’s muggy – kinda goes with the hot in the ATL

5. It might rain – thus the mugginess

6. I should cuddle with My Sweetie – who happens to be WAY on the other side of our HUGE bed

7. The Princess might want to come snuggle in a minute – ya, she usually heads straight downstairs for tv time

8. I deserve a break. I’ve been working so hard – this one is the most evil! Mind warping I tell you

9. I just won’t eat as much today – um, what is that thinking? Seriously, not eat as much. I’m already down tons of calories

10. I forgot to get my clothes out and I don’t want to wake My Sweetie digging for them – ya, My Sweetie can sleep through WWIII

So those are my excuses. And they are excuses. What are your excuses for not exercising today?

Oh, and please note that even though it took me TWENTY MINUTES to get out of bed on the last two mornings. I did get up. A MAJOR accomplishment in my opinion. And, my body thanks me – I think.

For more fun Top Ten Tuesday, visit OhAmanda.com

Losing It! 06 18 10

Whew! It’s Friday already! This week went SO FAST! And it was SO HOT here in metro-Atlanta. I mean it was “Africa Hot” as they say down here. Even with the heat, I managed to walk most days. I miss it when I don’t walk. Those are words I never thought I’d say, but I really do. There’s something about soaking your shirt with sweat. It let’s you know you’re doing something I guess. I did an exercise video one day when it was too hot to walk. but, it’s just not the same.

I lost another pound this week. WHOOP! WHOOP! For anyone that’s keeping track, that’s a total of 25 POUNDS gone from my body. And, I can so tell!! I feel SO MUCH BETTER. It’s great to be able to bend down and pick something up without getting winded.

Two weeks ago I told everyone that I now had a 1 in front. It was a pretty big deal. Actually, it was a HUGE deal. It wasn’t until I read The Violet Figs first Losing It! post that I got to really thinking how HUGE a deal it was. And I’m sorry to say, but if you are female and have never had a 2 in front, then I don’t think you get how HUGE it is. I know that’s not very PC of me, but until you’ve been that big, you don’t know what feeling big is like. We’re not talking a little baby weight here people. We’re talking some serious poundage.

The thing is, once you have a 2 in front, you feel like you can never go back. You feel like you’ve crossed a line and have entered an entirely different world. And, you feel like it’s a one way ticket. There’s no return train. Once you have a 2 in front, you feel like you will live your life forever as a “big” person and it’s hopeless to think otherwise.

Maybe that’s it. Once the 2 is there, the hope is lost. Truly, it’s sucked out of you. That 2 can be OVERWHELMINGLY DEFEATING. It makes you depressed and then you eat more. You think, “What does it matter? I’m already in the 2s!” Then, the numbers after the 2 begin to climb. And, it becomes even more hopeless. The 2 = hopelessness.

I sat in the 2s for nearly a decade, and I AM DONE WITH THE TWOS!!!

You can be too! Start TODAY! Make a decision TODAY that you are going to change your lifestyle. You can start small. Cut out your biggest vice first. Or, start counting calories. Try to take a walk today and then again tomorrow. YOU CAN GET OUT OF THE TWOS! Don’t let that scale defeat you.

Ladies, let me tell you. If I, Kathy Hill, am capable of a lifestyle change, ANYONE is capable of a lifestyle change. My mom (who I’m sure will comment) can tell you that I am one stubborn chic who LOVES to eat. But, I love my husband and daughter more. I was killing myself slowly in front of them. Truly, I was. I want to watch my husband walk my precious girl down the aisle, and in order to do that, I need to be healthier. So I’m changing.

We can all do it ladies. ALL of us. Especially with the support of this group. I love the Losing It! ladies and am SO THANKFUL they are in my life.

So link up below and tell us how you’re doing! We want to cheer for you and encourage you. I can’t wait to start clicking!

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Things I Love Thursday: Losing It! Ladies

I was seriously struggling tonight trying to figure out what I “LOVE” right now that I haven’t talked about. What haven’t I shared with my Thursday readers? I really do feel like I have readers who only read me on a certain day of the week. I find that VERY interesting. What is major in my life right now that I LOVE.

It came to me. I LOVE Fridays when I get to check in with all the Losing It! Ladies. Twitter #losingit10 These ladies and I have formed relationships over the last few months as we’ve shared our weight loss journeys with each other. They amaze me and inspire me with their willingness to share their trials and triumphs. We celebrate weight loss. We cheer when someone has maintained. And, we encourage when someone hits a bump in their  journey. We have become a true community. A community of women who all aspire to be better stewards of the one body God has given them. A community of women who want to share what they’ve learned with others who understand their journey. A community of women who always have time to give a shout of congrats or encouragement.

I LOVE the LOSING IT! Ladies. Come by tomorrow and meet them!

Linked to Things I Love Thursday.

Losing It! 06 11 10

Wow! Last week’s post got a ton of hits and lots of comments! It seems that finally having a 1 in front is a big deal. And, it IS a big deal. A REALLY big deal. For all you ladies out there living with the 2 and working for the 1, it is SO SO SO worth all the hard work when you see that 1. It really is.

I want to also thank the ladies who linked up last week. Ladies who are sharing the weight journey with their readers. It’s not always something that is easy to share, and I am so proud to be keeping company with each and every one of them. Be sure to check out their posts and give them some comment love.

It’s Come 2 This
Cindy in PA
Simply Mel
107 Down

If you would like to link up this week (and see these ladies’ newest posts), click on the Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post. Don’t have a blog and want to participate? NO problem, just leave a comment, and we’ll give you some love there.

I went shopping this week with My Sweetie, and I had an AMAZING time. Really! Shopping for clothes! I think My Sweetie was ready to buy me whatever I wanted since I had this permanent grin on my face. He loves me so. However, we were frugal. We were at the outlet mall and were very picky about what we bought so we didn’t spend too much. It was just awesome to put on something and have it be too big. And to try on clothes in stores I’d never even thought of trying stuff from. I bought a dress at Banana Republic. I never thought I would be able to wear something from there! Everything we picked out was a little snug, but in ten more pounds it will be perfect! GREAT motivation to keep going wouldn’t you say?

As far as my goals go, I did okay. I’m drinking tea as of late, which can be a problem if I put too much sweetener in it. I really need to cut back on that. And, I did cheat on the fried foods thing and have some homemade chips at Ted’s Montana Grill. Oh my! They are AMAZING!! But, I exercised almost every day and I lost another pound so I’m still going down.

How did you do this week? I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your stories. You are all so inspiring!

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Losing It! 06 04 10

I have a major announcement. Seriously, it’s HUGE!

There was a 1 in front this morning. A 1!!!!

There has been a 2 in front for at least eight years. Today, there was a 1.

This is a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR milestone in my Losing It! journey. So major it almost brings tears to my eyes. I couldn’t believe it! There was a 1 in front!

What’s interesting is that people who know me personally will probably be shocked to know I weighed over 200 pounds for the last eight years. They would say, “You’re kidding right!? No way you weighed 200 pounds.” But friends, I did. I weighed over 200 pounds for a VERY LONG TIME.

Don’t feel bad if you’re flabbergasted. I even fooled most nurses. I always had to shake my head and tell them to shift it that one more 50 lb weight on the scale. Even when they were looking at my chart of my previous weight, they were surprised. Apparently, I hid it well. I have a doctor’s appointment next week. I’m almost giddy with excitement that we won’t have to shift it that extra 50 lb weight (granted of course that their scale is anywhere close to mine).

This major milestone has given me even more resolve to “just keep swimming” as Dory would say. I AM NOT DONE YET! In fact, I’ve got a long way to go. However, seeing that 1 in front this morning made it worth it. Seriously worth it. Next goal – seeing a 18 in front. That will be an amazing feeling.

Are you Losing It? Are you working hard to eat better, get more exercise, and just be healthier? We would love to have you link up with us every Friday. We’re just a group of gals doing our best to Lose It!

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