Contact Me

You can find me pretty much every day at the House of Hills.

Email me at Kathy @

Follow me on Twitter @kathill

31 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to link my latest post! Well, I am back from my little retreat and will be blogging more about this! Hope it helps some other moms realize that they can do something to change where they are! I will have to check out more of your blog! Have a great weekend!

  2. Please send me the recipe for the layered crescent rolls. I seem to be having a hard time fiding the one like the picture.
    Katie Seay

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by and comment on my blog this week. For sure give the carrot cake cookie at try when you’re at Hollywood Studios, they are truly amazing. I look forward to connecting at Disney Social Media Moms!

  4. Hi Kathy, I am looking for the song “I’ve got to R E A D my B I B L E! That’s how God teaches me” but your blog is the only place I’ve seen it even written.. I thought I looked at one big gulp cd but i do not see it.. Can you let me know what cd I can find it on for my kids.. Thank you

  5. Hey Kathy,

    My name is Effie and I represent Perspectivo – a startup that is bringing something different to the masses – access to the experience of others. I have been searching for people with interesting content online and decided to reach out to you.
    Perspectivo is a place for people to discover new possibilities and solutions to any dream, goal or challenge they are having based on the experience and wisdom of those who have “Been There, Done That”.
    Our new beta site has just gone live and I’m excited to invite you to explore the site and share your unique perspective. The advantage of being an early participant is that you will receive a head start in gaining recognition and targeted traffic as the site gains popularity. But equally important is the fact that you will help others who will put your experience to good use.

    If you’re interested, you can go to

    We all have a perspective to share that can change someone’s life!



    Effie [Efrat] Pinhasi
    Head of Outreach & Community Partnerships
    +1 215 897 9111

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  12. Hello ,

    I’m sure you already know how important it is to have a list…

    And there are a bunch of autoresponders already on the market to choose from…

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    You can now harness the power of the 3 most powerful marketing channels in existence in a way that is seamless, interconnected, and universally tracked under one dashboard!
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    Check out the demo video here:

    SmartEngage is the first and only platform which allows for seamless integration across these 3 powerful and profitable marketing channels under one roof .

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  13. Hi

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    Best regards,


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