Lauren's Fifth Birthday Party

Maggie’s friend, Lauren, celebrated her fifth birthday Saturday afternoon with a Princess Party. Maggie had received an invitation to a “Ball” and was excited to attend the party after recovering from her soccer game.  
When Maggie arrived at Lauren’s house, Mr. Lare met her and ushered her and the other girls into the dining room for snacks and explained to them that there was going to be a ball and they were going to get dressed for it.  However, before they could get dressed, the Evil Step-Mother (actually Mommy) arrived and told the girls they all had to clean before they would be able to go to the ball.  After lots of giggles that Ms. Kathy was talking and acting so funny (not to mention the crazy makeup), the girls “cleaned” the house until the Fairy Godmother (Lauren’s Mommy) arrived.
The Fairy Godmother whisked them upstairs for hair fixings and beautiful dresses.  The girls had a blast getting ready for the ball. The moms in the room commented that it felt like Prom, which gave this Mommy a few heart flutters (the girl is just growing up SO fast).  
Once dressed beautifully and with gorgeous hair and tiaras, the girls went outside to the backyard where Mr. Lare had set up a lovely area for the ball. It was there that the girls got the biggest surprise.  All of their Prince Charmings had arrived in the form of their Daddies.  Not only that, but the Daddies were all dressed up and ready to dance with their Princesses. The girls danced, twirled, and had an absolutely amazing time. 

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