Scavenger Hunt Sculptures

Maggie is very into scavenger hunts lately.  She enjoys others making them for her and making them for others.  At the beginning of the week, Maggie asked Mommy to make a scavenger hunt for her that would culminate with making something from what she had collected.  Maggie really likes hunts with riddle clues, so Mommy hid some ingredients for a cookie bar around the house and typed up some riddles to help her find them.  Once they were gathered, Mommy and Maggie made a special treat for Daddy.

After the cooking was through, Maggie decided she wanted to make a scavenger hunt for Mommy.  Mommy let her at it and “hid” in the office while she heard Mags rummaging in the pantry and giggling with delight at her ideas.  Maggie then put the stuff in the same places Mommy had but put the clues in a different order and started Mommy on her hunt.

Now, Mommy here wasn’t too sure what she was going to find, but was awed by the forethought that went in to this.  After helping Mommy gather marshmallows, Oreos, toothpicks, gummy lifesavers, and a cutting board, Maggie directed us to the kitchen and explained that we would now be making sculptures.  
Mommy had the idea to pull out some icing that was in the fridge for glue, but other than that it was all Maggie.  Mommy was most impressed by the inclusion of the cutting board in the plan – she had a canvas for the art, not just the art supplies.  
So, Mommy and Maggie made sculptures to surprise Daddy. Maggie ate one sculpture for dessert, and Daddy took the other to work and gave it to Mr. Luke as a house warming gift.  What a fun afternoon. 🙂

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