Things I Love Thursday: Big Red Gum

I have a secret for my recently acquired will power (besides all your prayer cover that is). It has enabled me to deny myself WARM Krispy Kreme donuts and sweet treats of all kinds. What is this magic you ask?

It’s Big Red gum!


Have you eaten a piece of Big Red lately? It numbs your taste buds. I can’t even feel my tongue right after I put a piece in my mouth. If I tried to eat a piece of chocolate, I wouldn’t taste it. So, what would be the point I say? Because I usually eat for taste (not for hunger), by numbing my taste buds, I keep myself from eating. Pretty cool huh?

Now, there are ten calories in each piece of Big Red gum. And, I am recording them. However, I figure if ten calories of gum is saving me from a 200 calorie donut, it’s a fair trade.

So, that’s what I love today. Big Red gum.

Tomorrow, we’ll see if this new discovery helped me lose any more weight when I give my weekly Losing It recap. I can say that I am currently wearing my favorite capris that did NOT fit me last fall. Whoop!

For more things people love, visit The Diaper Diaries.

10 thoughts on “Things I Love Thursday: Big Red Gum

  1. big red chewing gum a family favorite but the best story I have about it is when my hubbys grandma caught a super large fish using big red gum as bait LOL

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