Losing It! Update: 05 28 10

Happy Friday All!

I hope you’ve had an awesome week. I’ve had a tough one – didn’t lose any, but didn’t gain any either. I am reminded daily that this is a marathon and not a sprint.

I knew it was going to be a tougher week because people are starting to notice that I’ve lost weight. Then, they start to compliment me. I smile and say “Thank You” but I want to scream at them “Can’t you see I’m not done yet! How can you say congratulations when I’m only one third of the way there? Did I look SO awful before that this is that much better?” That’s what I want to say, but I don’t. Because they are genuinely happy for me and so many are proud of me. I truly do appreciate their support and praise. It means so much.


This is what I must remind myself every day. I AM NOT DONE YET! I have more weight to lose. I have eating patterns that I’ve had for over thirty years to break. I have so much more to do. I AM NOT DONE YET! Then I think about the fact that I will never be done. It will never be easy. I will always have to fight. Always.

Then I think about my heavenly Father looking down at me. He’s always there. ALWAYS. He’s there to help me fight the fight. He’s there to help me learn and grow. He’s there to help me be a better me. Because, you know what. HE’S NOT DONE YET! For that, I am eternally grateful.


We would love to have you join us in our little LOSING IT! community. We’re just a group of women, trying to make a change in our lives and encouraging one another along the way. Feel free to post and link up or just leave a message in the comments section. Making a change is always easier with support and accountability.

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9 thoughts on “Losing It! Update: 05 28 10

  1. Can totally relate! I actually don’t do good when people compliment me – it’s usually right after I cheated and I ate something I didn’t so then I think well goodness if people thinking I’m lookin’ good now, what in the world am I still eating carrots for!! WRONG mindset, I know, but still!

    {And Rats, I didn’t get a post ready for this week … I’m making myself a note now for next wk!!}

  2. I am so proud of you. My big slip was people telling me I had lost weight when I was not done yet. And we are talking for 50 years. Think it was my biggest downfall. But now that I eat for what is inside I do not have that problem any more. It is no longer a struggle from day to day. That has really helped me. I also know that I am helping the people I love by feeding their insides. I hope the thought helps you too in some way.

  3. Thank you so much for doing this! I understand what you’re saying. The second I start losing weight where it’s noticeable I start slacking a little thinking I deserve it. So, yes…we’re not done yet! That’s a good motto.

    You’re doing great and I’m so impressed by your commitment.

    Press on towards the calling! ;o)

    Oh, sorry about not adding the button my post this time. I’ll add it to my next one!

  4. Hey, Kathy! Love the Losing It button!! 🙂

    I have a friend who is very sweet, but for several years, whenever I’d see her (just a few times a year), she’d ask if I’d lost weight. Almost every single time, I had not. And I would think, “Do you just remember me EVEN FATTER than I am?!?”

    Keep up the good work. It’s HARD to break these decades-long habits!!!

  5. girl! im Losing it too! decided that i am not going to spend the next 7 years talking about losing the 15 lbs that i have been talking about losing for the LAST 7 years! kids=weight for me-and im DONE being defeated by this! 15 for me. starting yesterday! thanks for the inspiration!!

  6. Pingback: Losing It! 06 04 10 « h o u s e o f h i l l s

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