Disney: First Aid and Baby Care Center

This is an important sign friends. There is a similar one in all Disney parks. And, these spots are clearly marked on every park map.

Take a minute to see where it is.

Because you never know when you’re going to need it.

Let’s talk about the First Aid Center well, first.

Yes, I’ve visited the one at Magic Kingdom. Several times. Yes, I keep a small first aid kit in my Disney backpack. However, when your child wipes out as you’re getting on the bus and takes the skin off her ENTIRE knee, you need a LARGE bandage, not a little band-aid.

The First Aid Center folks kindly gave us a bandage and offered to help us if we needed anything else. They carry basic over the counter medications and can help you find medical attention if you’ve got more than a small boo-boo.

If you are having a medical emergency while in one of the parks, contact the closest Cast Member, and they will assist you. Seriously, they’re trained for that.

Now, let’s talk about one of my favorite places in all the parks, the Baby Care Center. Oh My. Word. They are an oasis in the intensity that is a visit to Disney.

We discovered them on our first trip with the Princess when she was just three months old. We were in the Magic Kingdom and realized we had dressed her WAY to warmly. A quick duck into the shops on Main Street and we were the proud owners of a summery Mini Mouse outfit. Then, we had to find somewhere to change her. We were directed to the Baby Care Center just up the road right near the Crystal Palace Restaurant.

We went in and found this massive group of rooms. It was WONDERFUL! They had a huge room with multiple changing tables. There was a dimly lit room with rockers for breast-feeding (or bottle feeding) mommies. There was  room with small tables and a television – a space for toddlers to relax,  eat lunch, or just cool off and decompress from the outside craziness. There were loving Cast Members who offered help to tired and overwhelmed mommies (and daddies). Like I said, WONDERFUL.

We’ve visited the Baby Care Centers regularly over the years. Once the Princess was out of diapers, we were potty training and of course had some accidents. It was much easier and calmer to go deal with that at the Baby Care Center than in a regular bathroom stall. The last time we visited was two years ago because the Princess had a really upset tummy caused by the ridiculous food she’d been eating. (What parent allows their child to exist on nuggets and popcorn? Oh, that would be me.) We discovered then that they have a mini-pharmacy in there and will gladly sell you anything from children’s Tums to a pack of diapers or wipes.

We love the Baby Care Centers and can’t say enough about their amenities and their convenience. However, truly the best part of the centers are the Cast Members who work there. They are so patient and kind with both parents and kids. On several occasions, we’ve met up with some special friends in there too…characters dropping by to give the kids some love.

While they may not be a MUST SEE at Disney parks, the First Aid Center and the Baby Care Center are for sure a MUST KNOW. They can make your trip even more enjoyable by assisting you in a time of need.

Linked to Things I Love Thursday, ’cause I love the Baby Care Centers.

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post in any way. I’m just a huge fan of these services at Disney.

Things I Love Thursday: Keys!!!

Do you know what these are? These are the keys to our new house! And, I LOVE them.

The House of Hills is MOVING AGAIN! Whoop!

Why do I love these keys? I love these keys because they represent some seriously hard work and patience on the part of many people. Our closing DID NOT go easily. There were complications after complications. None of them our fault. All of them frustrating. However, we remained cool (well, outwardly) and calm and trusted that all would work out in His perfect time.

It did.

We are moving Saturday into our amazing cottage.

We are SO HAPPY.

I love these keys.

Linked to Things I Love Thursday.

Things I Love Thursday: Girl Cousins

I’ve talked about the girl cousins before… last year as a matter of fact, but I just can’t help sharing a few more pictures.

This relationship continues to amaze me. I don’t have a girl cousin. (Well, not one that I’m close with at all.) I don’t have a sister. I have a step-sister and a half-sister, but we never lived together or even in the same city. So this relationship between the Princess and E fascinates me. It fills my heart so much it wants to burst at times. I LOVE to watch it unfold. I KNOW it is a relationship that will last a lifetime. It is a relationship that will get them through many trials together. It is something I truly LOVE!

Linked to Things I Love Thursday.