Losing It! Week 5

Good morning my Losing It! friends! This is going to be a quick post because I have a packed day and need to walk out the door in 27 minutes. And, I still stink from my morning walk!

So! How ya doing?

Please note that My Sweetie made me a new button (to the left) with the correct web address on it. Ya, the old button we’d been using was the old web address. Bad blogger. So, big shout out to my geeky sweetie!

On to business:

My goals for this week were…

  • Lose 2 pounds Nope. But lost 1 – so that’s good.
  • Exercise 6 times Nope. Only 4
  • Drink nothing but water and 1 glass of tea a day Still struggling with too much tea some days. Always feel better when drink more water.
  • Log my calories into My Fitness Pal daily (and DON’T go over) I did TERRIBLE with this this week. I don’t think I went too over, but I hardly logged in at all. Bad girl.
  • Encourage the #LosingIt11 gals better on Twitter Feel GOOD about this one.
  • Begin the day with prayer for help with my eating choices. Most days. Life is better when I do!

How did you do this week!