Menu Plan Monday 02.08.10

Still trying to eat from the pantry and freezer as much as possible. Going to go shopping with me new coupon binder today and get a few things as well as stuff for tonight’s dinner for small group. I tend to not cook from my pantry for them. They get a special trip to the store.

Monday: Chocolate Chili (That’s what we call it, but it’s not the real name.), Cornbread, Salad, Peach Dump Cake

Tuesday: Leftovers

Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner

Thursday: (Company for Dinner) Fried chicken, green beans, crock pot mac-n-cheese, rolls, brownies

Friday: Bingo night at school

Saturday: Pork Chops, rice, broccoli

Sunday: HAPPY LOVE DAY! Surprise for my husband so I’m not posting.

If you want even more recipe links, head on over to Menu Plan Monday at

Menu Plan Monday: 02 01 10

Monday: Small Group (I’m still not cooking – wahoo!)

Tuesday: Beef sandwiches – A beef roast in the crockpot all day, then pulled and put back in juices. Serve on rolls with monterey jack cheese.

Wednesday: Tacos

Thursday: Italian Sausage and Stuffing, Green Beans

Friday: Leftovers

Saturday: Pizza Night – Mom and Dad are going out!

I am excited to say that I’m not going to have to buy any meat for this week. I’m just going to need to get some fresh produce and some more tortillas for taco night. Trying so hard to not buy things when I need them, but to buy them when they are on sale. This switch in thinking is proving to be harder than I thought it would be. I will persevere!!

Linked up to: Meal Plan Monday at

Menu Plan Monday: 01.25.10

Somehow it is Monday again. I’m not sure how that happened. Last week was a serious blur. It was AWESOME both personally and professionally, but man did it go FAST! The Princess and My Sweetie survived me being gone, but they did miss me. I got lots of love and cuddles from both of them upon my return. And, the Princess and I spent some quality time together at the mall today. She loves to window shop. Crazy kid. Gets that from her dad – not me.

This week proves to be another busy one, but with more meals at home. Here’s the plan for the week.

Monday: Small Group (I’m not cooking – so thankful)

Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie

Wednesday: Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Zucchini and Squash

Thursday: Pork Loin, Salad, Roasted Potatoes

Friday: Leftovers

Saturday: Hot Dogs, veggies and dip, chips

Many of you have been following the Eat From the Pantry Challenge that many, many, many bloggers are doing around the country globe. I outlined my goals at the beginning of the month and tried to adhere to them throughout the month. Here we are at the end of the month, and I can say that everything in the plan above is still coming out of my pantry and freezer with the exception of the fresh produce.

However, I added meat to the freezer during the month. There were some great deals on pork loin and pork chops, and I cooked another turkey at the beginning of the month. So, that didn’t help keeping to the budget.

I also did a major cook for meals for my freezer this past week. Three batches of ziti – with the majority of the ingredients NOT coming out of the freezer or pantry. Ya,that ain’t cheap either. Now, knowing the majority of the ziti (if not all of it) will go to families who need help makes the pocket not hurt as much. However, it throws off my numbers.

So, as I’m thinking through how I did on the pantry challenge, I think I did OKAY. Just okay. I see a more detailed post coming later this week. Keep a look out.

I’m going to be checking in on the others who were participating in the pantry challenge over at

I’m also going to be checking out for some addition menu plan ideas.

What are you cooking this week? Anything new?

Menu Plan Monday 01 18 10

Mommy here got a cold last week so needless to say the end of the week did not have as much cooking in it as planned. We were unable to have the guests we wanted to over on Friday because I just wasn’t up to cooking and being social. Anyone who knows me well knows that I must have felt pretty bad to cancel dinner plans. We’ll have to reschedule.

This week, I’ll be at a work retreat at the end of the week. The Princess and My Sweetie will not starve as all their meals will be prepared and ready to warm up before I leave. I get kinda crazy about it. Lots of sticky notes involved. I hate disrupting the household routine in any way, but I’m really looking forward to retreat too.

Here’s the plan:

Sunday: Brinner – Breakfast for dinner. It’s been on the plan twice, but we haven’t done it. We are tonight!

(So – that totally changed when The Princess called to see if she could spend one more night at Grandma’s with the cousins. Another night to ourselves. NO problem. I picked up some wings at Publix, and we watched football. Marital bliss at the House of Hills.)

Monday: Small Group – I’m not cooking. Wahoooooo…

Tuesday: Chicken Quesadillas, salad, fruit

Wednesday: Bratwurst, noodles, green beans

Thursday: BBQ for My Sweetie and Chicken Nuggets for the Princess, fruit

Friday: Leftovers

Saturday: Either leftovers or Chinese depending on if Mommy is home yet

For those of you following along with my eat from the pantry challenge that I’m doing over with Money Saving Mom along with hundreds of others, it’s not going so well. Well, that depends on how you qualify well. We’re eating from the pantry and freezer. However, I REALLY have a hard time not just stopping at the store for one thing which then turns into several things. Do we absolutely NEED what I’m buying? Well, no. Is it nice to have? Well, yes.

Our big purchases this week were pork loin that was on sale at Publix (My Sweetie loves pork loin). I bought several and put them in the freezer. Then My Sweetie was out of ingredients to make his morning smoothie. Hadn’t planned on buying that huge bag of frozen strawberries.


I am proud to say that I’m spending less this week than previously on groceries. However, I had hoped to spend even less than I am. It’s a learning process – right?

Check out for more menu plans and lots of great recipes.

Visit Life As A Mom to see how other bloggers are doing on the Pantry Challenge. They’re all doing better than me!

Menu Plan Monday 01.11.10

When I made my January meal plan, I knew I’d have to change it. I mean, seriously, things are gonna come up right? I remember looking at my calendar on January 2nd and thinking, “I do NOT have all the invitations for the month yet.” And, I didn’t. We added two birthday parties for the month this week plus several other events that we will be attending. That means the plan needs to change. That’s one of the things I love about planning. It gives you a basic framework, and then you move things around to make them work for your current circumstances.

This week’s plan (now that all events are scheduled):

Sunday: Spaghetti (made w/Italian sausage), salad, breadsticks

TOTAL FAIL on Sunday – forgot to make the breadsticks in time. Was too busy playing Polly Pockets and Little Pet Shop with the Princess. Bummed. I was looking forward to those. Wonder if I can fit them in anywhere else.

Monday: Small Group – Somebody else is cooking – wahoo…

Tuesday: Leftovers – we’ve still got stuff in the fridge from last week that needs to be eaten

Wednesday: Roast, Noodles, Green Beans

Thursday: Leftovers – now we’ve added spaghetti and roast to the mix – gotta eat that

Friday: (Company Coming) Fried chicken, wheat rolls, salad, steamed veggies, blackberry cobbler

Saturday: Brinner (Breakfast for dinner) or leftovers – depends on what’s left

I’m taking the Eat from the Pantry Challenge and one of my goals was to only buy milk and produce for the first two weeks of January. Well, that didn’t exactly happen. I bought some meat. It was on sale. And, I bought a turkey. It was on sale. The cool thing about the turkey is that it was huge and gave me lots of leftovers with which to make no less than four casseroles for the freezer. So, I’m not feeling too bad about that.

Last night I made two pans of Turkey and Rice (recipe to be posted this week) and two pans of Cheesy Broccoli and Rice with Turkey. All four went into the freezer for when somebody needs a meal – or I want to eat one. I was also able to freeze four cups of chopped turkey meat. Love how much you can get out of one turkey!

This week, I’m trying to only buy the basics. I need milk, eggs, lettuce, and chicken for Friday. We’re having company, and I really want to make the chicken I made the other day for them. I know they’ll love it. Everything else on the plan, I have in the freezer or pantry.

So, I’m giving myself $30 for the week. That will get me back on track. Some of you will think this is a huge amount. However, compared to what I normally spend in a week. It’s so not. Baby steps folks. Baby steps.

How is your pantry and freezer? Making anything yummy this week?

To see how folks are doing on the pantry challenge head on over to

For more great recipes, visit I’m an Organizing Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

Menu Plan Monday: 1.04.10

Time to post the weekly menu plan. I’m not sure how many folks out there in Internet land actually read my menu, but it SO helps me to write it out each week. And, by putting it out there for all eyes to see, it makes me a little more accountable to stick to it. I do like accountability – most of the time – as long as it doesn’t have to do with me not having chocolate… I digress.

Some people have asked me why I menu plan. Three main reasons – it saves me time, money, and my sanity. There is NOTHING worse than walking in the door at 5 and not knowing what I’m going to feed my family for dinner at 5:30. Well, maybe there are worse things, but that really makes my heart race. For a great article on meal planning visit my friend LeighAnn on her new blog. She nailed meal planning and its benefits.

This is the plan for this week at the House of Hills

Sunday: Pork Roast, Roasted Vegetables

Monday: SMALL GROUP NIGHT – MY TURN to cook – Chicken and Rice Casserole, Salad, Whole Wheat Rolls from the bread machine, cake

Tuesday: Hot Dogs, Pasta or Chips, veggies w/dip

Wednesday: Lightly fried chicken thighs, pasta, green beans

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Leftovers (or grab something using dine-out money  – depends on activities)

Saturday: Turkey (got one on sale this week – it’s thawing), Stove Top Stuffing, Gravy, Roasted Veggies

What’s exciting is that the majority of the items on my menu came from my pantry. I’m participating in the Eat From the Pantry Challenge with many other bloggers out there. We’re trying to reduce our January grocery spending significantly and use up what’s in our pantry and freezer. To read more about the challenge and my goals, you can go here.

I did go to Aldi for the first time this week and got some of their things to round out my menus and to try and see if we like the quality. There is no sense deciding to shop there for the deals if my family won’t eat it. In addition, I did what was going to be a small run to Publix but ended up buying a turkey (since it was .68 a pound) and a pork roast (which was also on sale). By making those two things this week, my hubby will have meat for lunches this week and next. I succumbed to the after Christmas sales at Publix and bought several things in their .50 baskets. However, I do know they will be used so don’t feel so guilty about that. Spices for .50 – seriously!

Want some other great meal ideas? Head on over to to see what everyone else is cooking.

Want to know more about the Eat from the Pantry Challenge and see how everyone is doing? Click here.

Have a great week!

Menu Plan Monday: December 28

So, you’ll notice the Christmas theme still on my meal plan header. That would be because we will be eating like it’s still Christmas ALL WEEK LONG!!!

This is what the leftover shelf looks like in my refrigerator. Yes, I have a leftovers shelf – don’t you? It’s where David knows to go get his lunch each day. And notice we’re two containers deep right now.

This picture doesn’t even include the large container of turkey that got sent out to the garage fridge because there was no room in the inn inside fridge.

So this is what we’re eating this week:



Sausage Stuffing

Bubble Bread – family favorite – we ate this three days in a row this weekend

Pork w/Horseradish sauce – A Paula Deen Recipe – SO yummy

Mashed Potatoes

And apparently waffle sticks (bottom left of pic)

I honestly won’t have to really cook at all this week. We’ll eat all this yummy up by Wed (I hope) and then my AWESOME, AMAZING, WONDERFUL hubby is taking me out of town for three days. Yes, away from everything – just the two of us. **sigh** I do so love that man. He’s planning the whole thing. I’m just along to be spoiled. Well, we’ll both be spoiled with no responsibilities and just hanging out together.

What’s on your meal plan for the week? Bet there is turkey or ham in it somewhere.

For more meal ideas go on over to and see what everyone else is making.

Menu Plan Monday: 12 21 09

This week is Christmas. I cannot even believe that. Where has this year gone? Wow! Well, before I get really introspective, I better just plan the week.

Monday: Niece, Nephew, and Nanna over for dinner: Crispy Baked Chicken, pasta ribbons, green beans, fruit, and some yummy dessert – haven’t decided on that yet.

Tuesday: Leftovers – there will be some left over from Monday, plus we’ve still got some from last week. Need to make some room for what’s coming!

Wednesday: It’s Daddy day. Daddy has the day off so he’s staying home with the Mags all day. Not sure what kind of trouble they’re going to get into during the day. That being said, I think I’ll ask hubby dear to turn the crockpot on for me while I’m at work: I’ve got a roast to pull out of the freezer.

Thursday: Christmas Eve: Heading over to my brother and sister-in-laws for some festive times. She is sharing her family traditions from growing up with us this year. She’s Italian. It will be YUMMY!

Friday: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I’m going to do a pork loin using this new Paula Deen recipe I got from her magazine. It has become a huge family favorite. I’ll share it with my tweaks later this week. I think I’ll also do some green beans that I saw in another of her magazines, my mom’s bubble bread (a family favorite that I’ll need to share), and maybe some potatoes.

Saturday: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Round 2 Hoping to do Christmas with my husband’s sister and family – haven’t confirmed yet. If so, it will be the full turkey dinner. If we’re not doing the full dinner, I may cook a turkey anyway. I want the leftovers!!

Sunday: MERRY CHRISTMAS Round 3 (or 2): Heading over to my mom’s for the big family gathering. I’ve not been assigned anything yet, but I’m assuming pies. Pumpkin Pie and Shoe Fly Pie to be exact. Maybe some Scotcheroos.

It’s going to be a fun week – both with food and family.

Now, if I can just get my work to do list done by the end of Wednesday….


Linked to: OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday Sept. 21st

As I’m being more diligent about this meal planning thing, I’m realizing I don’t need to cook nearly as often as I thought I did. We had leftovers three times this week. And, there are still some in the fridge. This especially happens if David has several lunch meetings in a week or I don’t go to the office. I take leftovers to the office. At home, I’ll eat cereal for lunch.
So, I’m rethinking even now what I’ve planned for this week and think I’ll do leftovers on Sunday night as well. Hmmmmmm….
Monday: Small Group – We’re splitting up – guys and girls – for a few weeks. The guys are going to be at our house so I said I’d cook and leave something for them each week. Easier than someone sending food with their husband with explicit instructions on what to do to set it up once they get here. They guys will be having:
Taco Soup and Brownies
Tuesday: Sloppy Joes – from the freezer – I made them during my Big Cook a couple weeks ago.
Wednesday: Chicken Macaroni Bake – I’ll be using chicken I cooked in the crockpot, chopped, and then froze in 2 cup increments – huge time saver. New to me recipe.
Thursday: Crispy Baked Chicken – New to me recipe.
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: HUGE GARAGE SALE DAY – Pizza for dinner
Sunday: Leftovers
I’m excited to try the two new recipes. Both of them were found through org.junkie’s Menu Plan Monday. Head over to her site to find lots more menu ideas!
What are you cooking this week?

Menu Plan Monday Sept. 14th

So, last week’s meal plan was a TOTAL bust. My BFF is still in the hospital, so lots of time was spent in the actual building at the beginning of the week and later in the week on the computer communicating things about her health.
My father-in-law’s quadruple bypass got postponed to until Friday (from Tuesday) so my sweet hubby was gone ALL WEEK. With just me and the girl to cook for, it became a let’s eat what’s there and easy kind of week.
Then, a friend emailed that they had read the blog and would like to make my BBQ for me for Sunday (it was on my menu). How sweet was that!? It was super yummy and we have leftovers. I’ve had lots of good friends dropping notes, little gifts. It’s awesome to be surrounded by the Body of Christ. Thank you so much for loving me this week.
So, with things hopefully returning to somewhat normal, here’s the menu.
Monday: Small Group Night – not my night to cook. Wahoo….
Tuesday: Leftovers – the yummy BBQ mentioned above plus a few other things hanging out.
Wednesday: Chicken Quesadillas (from last week)
Thursday: Meatloaf (see below), Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Friday: Beef Stew
Saturday: Leftovers (did I mention there is only 3 of us – we never finish anything)
Sunday: Stufffed Shells (already in freezer from a “Big Cook” I did last week)
This if from a Kraft mini-cookbook I bought YEARS ago.
2 pounds ground beef/turkey
1 pkg (6 ounces) Stove Top Stuffing Mix (any variety)
1 cup water
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup ketchup/Barbecue Sauce (divided)
Preheat oven to 375
Mix all ingredients except 1/4 cup of ketchup.
Shape meat mixture into oval loaf in 13×9 inch baking dish; top with remaining ketchup.
Bake at 375 for 1 hour or until center is no longer pink.
For TONS more recipes and meal plans, go to