Top Ten Tuesday: ME!

Happy Tuesday everyone! It’s time for the Top Ten. Not having any idea what to list today, I decided to copy what someone (and I’m so sorry I can’t remember who) did last week and tell you some about me. ‘Cause I’m sure you want to know ALL about me! So, in no particular order…

1. I was an Air Force brat in my younger years. I was made in Taiwan, born in Virginia, lived in Berlin, Germany for five years, and then moved to Nebraska. There are pictures of me as a little bitty in front of some pretty famous places. Cool huh? Unfortunately, they’re all in boxes so I can’t find one to scan. Bummer.

2. My parents divorced when I was eight. Back then, that was NOT the norm. We moved to Atlanta soon after. Been here or near ever since. I love Atlanta – except for the pollen and the smog. Other than that, it’s a great place to be!

3. The sibs! I have amazing sibs. I’ve got a biological brother and then was blessed with a step-sister and step-brother when my mom FINALLY decided to marry the guy she’d been dating FOREVER when I was eighteen. We ALWAYS took a picture together at every holiday in front of the front door. So, when we had professional pictures taken a couple of years ago, I insisted we get one in front of the door in our usual order. That’s me and Bubba (biological) on the right and my steps on the left. Yes, my brother is a FULL FOOT taller than me. **sigh**

4. I also have a half sister on my dad’s side. She lives in Alaska! Brrrrr. We’re friends on Facebook, and she talks about temperatures that I can’t even imagine being as I’m a sweet Georgia peach.

5. I met My Sweetie on the Internet. True Story. This was back before there were all those online dating services. This was God using AOL instant messenger. Ya, God can use the Internet. He can.

6. I have been to Disney World every year (except one I think) that I have been married. We went on our honeymoon and have been back almost every year since. I married a Disney FREAK!

7. I LOVE TO EAT! And thus have put on a few pounds over the years. Now, I’m trying to lose it, and it’s hard!!!

8. If you asked the Princess what my favorite thing is to do, she would say cook/bake. She’d be right.

9. My second favorite thing to do – read!!! I don’t get to do it enough, but it’s something I’m enjoying sharing with the Princess. I plan to start doing some book reviews on the blog soon. Looking forward to sharing my favorites with you.

10. I am the world’s worst housewife. I’m terrible at cleaning. TERRIBLE! So, I don’t do it. I pay someone. That’s horrible I know. But seriously, you can’t even tell I’ve cleaned a bathroom after I cleaned it. Worst housewife EVER!

So, now you know a bit more about me. Probably more than you ever wanted to. Anything surprise you?

For more Top Ten Tuesday go to She’s had some good lists linked up lately.

Top Ten Tuesday: House Prep

Many of you may know that our house is on the market. It has been FOREVER!! Well, not really, but since October. We haven’t had much traffic until recently and we had slacked off in keeping it picked up. Then, we got surprised by an agent, and My Sweetie had to scramble and do some serious picking up in the span of like five minutes. We don’t want to have that happen again. So, here’s what we do before we leave the house now.

1. Blinds open to let the sunlight in.

2. Entertainment center closed and all remotes put away.

3. All the blankets with which we cuddle at night put away.

4. All counters wiped and sink empty.

5. NO appliances on the counters – this one is KILLING me.

6. Fragrance do-da plugged in.

7. Toilet lids down and bathroom counters/sinks wiped clean.

8. Desk in office cleared off – again KILLING me.

9. All toys picked up and in the playroom – the Princess is DOING AWESOME!

10. ALL beds made. The Princess is doing a GREAT job with this one too.

We are praying that all of this preparation will have our house ready for the perfect person to walk in the door and find their future home.

Head on over to OhAmanda’s for more Top Ten Tuesday. You know you want to.

Top Ten Tuesday: Blogs I Read

Please know that I read more than ten blogs. Like WAY MORE than ten blogs. However, some stick out at me more than others. Some were in my Google Reader first, and will probably always be there.

I’ve been really blogging since Thanksgiving. Sure, I did a post here and a post there before Thanksgiving, but since then I’ve been much more consistent both in my writing of posts and my reading of blogs. Here are some of my favs:

1.OhAmanda – She got me into the whole blogging thing really. I am blessed in that I get to see Amanda IRL most Sundays at church. In hearing her talk about her blog, I became interested in reading what she had to say and then she would link to somebody else’s blog, and I would read that one and then another link and so on and so on. You could say she sucked me into this blogging world. And, I thank her for that.

2. Once A Month Mom – I LOVE the entire concept of cooking in large quantities and freezing meals. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! And, I have really become a huge fan of Tricia, who is the once a month mom. She is so open, a great writer, and just plain AWESOME.

3.The Pioneer Woman – She is AMAZING. I could spend hours on her blog. Seriously – hours. Her story is great. Her cookbook inspiring. I know she is probably someone I’ll never meet, but I can just stalk her from afar.

4. $5 Dinners – Have you noticed how much I go toward the cooking blogs…hmmm…What does that say about me. I won Erin’s cookbook on her blog, and LOVE it. Imagine, dinner for your family for $5. By reading her blog, I’ve gotten to know Erin too, and really admire her as a person.

5. Savvy Blogging – There are some posts on here that I only part way understand, because I’m just not that smart, but these ladies KNOW THEIR STUFF. If you want to know more about how to make your blog bigger, badder, and better, head over there.

6. It’s Come 2 This – I got to “know” Mandi through OhAmanda because these Sisterchicks talk about each other all the time – it’s AWESOME the way they do life together. We started following each other on Twitter, and now I feel like I have a new friend. I also feel like I know The Violet Fig and Simply Staci, two more Sisterchicks, because of their blogs and all their linking to each other. The Sisterchicks – they rock.

7. Money Saving Mom – I started reading this blog because Crystal co-sponsored the Pantry challenge in which I participated during January. She has TONS of great deals every day.

8. Life As Mom – The other sponsor of the Pantry Challenge, Jessica has awesome advice for living well, life as a mom. I feel like I learn something new from her at least once a week. She also owns the blog Good (& Cheap) Eats, which has GREAT recipes for the frugal cook.

9. Cooking During Stolen MomentsAMAZING recipes that you can actually do in your home without racing out for ingredients. Kate is a smart mom, with a great idea. Get the bulk of the cooking done before 1pm. Then, dinner time is not chaos!

10. The Finer Things in Life – Amy was kind enough to let me guest post yesterday. Thanks AMY! She has a MULTITUDE of great things going on over on her blog. I love popping over there just to see what she’s got to say each day.

11.The Mawmaw – Carolyn almost always does a Top Ten Tuesday, and they are always HILARIOUS. She reminds me a bit of my mom and a bit of my grandma. Definitely someone I would enjoy just sitting at the kitchen table and just talking to.

That’s it. That’s ten (plus a few) of the blogs I read. Like I said, there are many many more, but these people have become “friends” – ladies that I admire, respect, and sometimes just plain adore. Some Most probably don’t even know who I am, but that’s okay. They have touched my life, and I am thankful that they are sharing their life with me (and thousands of others) through their writing.

For more Top Ten Tuesday, go see my friend Amanda at

Top Ten Tuesday: What I'm Watching

It’s Tuesday… so it’s time for Top Ten Tuesday over at OhAmanda. Here’s my contribution.

I’ve been spending a lot more time in front of the TV. I’m not sure whether the TV has gotten better or I’ve just gotten older, and that’s what I do now. In fact, there are few shows out there that make me think or make me laugh. I thought I’d share them with you. Since I know you wanted to know – here’s what I’m watching these days:

10. 24 – This is honestly the FIRST season I’ve watched – EVER. I know, it’s like season what 3…4…5… I don’t even know. The Sweetie started watching it because so many folks at work watch it, and he wanted to be able to discuss. In fact, it’s on while I’m typing this. I’m obviously not that interested as I’m writing this rather than paying attention.

9. Kim Possible – This would be the Princess’s favorite show ever since we were at Epcot in November and did the Kim Possible adventure thing. It was a BLAST! And, we discovered Kim Possible and her crazy friends. She’s a pretty fun show to watch. Which is good, since we watch her often daily.

8. Phineas and Ferb – Have you watched this one on Disney Channel? They are awesome. It’s such a great one for parents and kids to watch together. I would like to say this is also a Princess show, but there are times I’ve caught myself watching, and she’s not in the room.

7. Iron Chef America – Good food and good chefs. I wish I could cook like that. **sigh** Of course, that much pressure would put me over the edge.

6. As Time Goes By – This one is on BBC – an old British romantic comedy series. Dame Judy Dench is in it so the acting is superb, and the writing is great. It’s one that the Sweetie and I like to watch together. True couple time.

5. ChuckI adore Chuck. He’s even more fun now that he can do that mad ninja stuff this season. If you are not watching chuck, you are really missing out.

4. CASTLE – Remember Moonlighting? Back in the 80’s? I loved Moonlighting. Castle reminds me of Moonlighting – but better.

3. NCIS – LA – This one is growing on me. I wasn’t sure at first, but it’s getting better. The chemistry between the ensemble is good and the mysteries are good.

2. NCIS LOVE LOVE LOVE this one. Well, except for that new lawyer chick – not too excited about her, but I don’t think we’re supposed to like her. I love the chemistry between the cast and Abby is my absolute favorite character.

1. LOST – There are no words. It’s just AWESOME! And it’s on tonight!!! Wooop! Wooop!

Do you have a favorite that’s not on my list? Am I missing something?

Top Ten Tuesday: February 2010

Somehow it is already February of the year 2010. I’m truly not sure how this happened. I seem to have missed several days here and there because HOW IS IT ALREADY FEBRUARY??!!

Okay, now that I’ve go that off my chest, there are several things that I’m looking forward to in the month of February 2010. Let’s look at them together shall we?

Feb 2nd – LOST – There really is nothing else to say. Life has started again.

Feb 6th – Seeing John Ortberg at a church dinner for small group leaders. I love my church. They so equip their leaders.

Feb 9th – Reading to the Princess’s class. I love reading to her class. It’s so much fun. And, I scratch that “I used to love being a teacher (well parts of it) itch.”

Feb 11th – Consumer Day with the Princess. I can’t wait to see what all the second graders have made to “sell.” We’ve been working hard on the Princess’s product.

Feb 12th – Chaperone for the Princess’s field trip. I think we’re going to see Cinderella – the play. This would not be something I miss from teaching. In fact, field trips are NOT my favorite, but I’ve got teacher eyes, which means they don’t stop moving -EVER, and that makes for a good chaperone. Plus, the Princess loves that I come with her. So, I go every year.

Feb 14th – Valentine’s Day – The day to shower love on My Sweetie and the Princess. I remember in college I boycotted and wore black. Now, it’s a big event, and I don’t wear black.

Feb 16th – Soccer practice starts for spring season. The Princess LOVES LOVES LOVES her soccer team. She will be so excited, so it will be fun to watch. I love watching her in joy mode.

Feb 17th – House of Hills’ Girl Day – The Princess is out of school all that week. This is going to be our girlie day – nails, lunch, and shopping.

Feb 26th – Date Day – The Sweetie has Fridays off. Every once in awhile I like to take one off and spend it with him. I’m putting this one on the calendar NOW!

Have you got great plans for this month?

Head on over to OhAmanda for more Top Ten Tuesday Lists.

Top Ten Tuesday: I Need A Baking Fix!

I love to bake! Especially when it’s cold. The yummy smell of sugar coming from the oven. The warmth that permeates the house. Mmmmm….divine….

Ya, well, I ain’t got time for no baking this week says this overly scheduled editor. Great English there – ya.

So, if I were to bake, these would be on my top ten maybes.

1. Brownie Batter Cupcake OH MY! oohamanda twittered this recipe yesterday. Oh my. Oh my. Oh my!

2. Bread Machine Buttery Rolls – Crystal at Money Saving Mom has made these several times during the Eat from the Pantry challenge. They look like they would melt in your mouth!

3. Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies – They’re healthy right? There’s whole wheat and oats.

4. The Pioneer Woman Cooks – Well, pretty much anything in this cookbook. The Pioneer Woman makes me so happy. I love looking at her recipes both online and in the book.

5. Mix & Match Muffins – This so intrigues me. It’s a basic muffin recipe and then says add what you’ve got as far as fruit and mixings. I’ve got some bananas and pears that need to be used up soon.

6. Apple French Toast Casserole – Ummmm yummm… dessert for breakfast. And I’ve got some apples I could use.

7. Bacon, Cheese & Egg Biscuit Cups – Hello! Breakfast in a biscuit. Perfect for freezing. I might just need to find time for these.

8. Super Bowl Recipes – The House of Hills LOVES LOVES LOVES appetizer night. Might have to get a few of these in the meal plan soon.

9. $5 Dinnners – Another fabulous cookbook I just received. I WON this one. Everybody say Wahoooo! Check out $5dinners. It is another excellent website to get lots of great cooking/baking ideas.

10. Chipotle Chocolate Chip Cookies – Cookies with a kick! My Sweetie is very intrigued by these.

So those are all the things I want to make. Well at least ten of them. My bookmarks list for recipes is getting rather long. Probably need to reorganize that. Hmmm…

If you were going to bake today, what would you bake? What should I bake first on my list?

Head on over and visit Amanda for Top Ten Tuesday. You can go see her even if it’s already Wednesday.

Top Ten Tues: Mommy's leaving?

Okay, so I’m not leaving for good. I’m leaving for like 72 hours. And, I’m only going about 45 minutes away, but I won’t be home. And, that’s the issue. Well, it’s not really an issue. It’s just a wrinkle. A wrinkle in the routine. If there is one thing the House of Hills loves – it’s routine.

The House of Hills runs pretty well. My husband would say some days it runs like a well oiled machine. Those are the days when I work from home, don’t have three meetings at work and a major deadline. The running well seems to be contingent on my presence. At least it does in MY opinion. (It probably runs just fine when I’m not here, but I like the illusion that I’m the glue that holds it all together.)

So, because I feel like I am the glue, when I go out of town, I am a maniac about making sure everything is ready to run as close to normal as if I were there. Therefore, these things must be done in the next 48 hours.

1. All meals (and I mean breakfast, lunch, and dinner) prepped for both The Sweetie and The Princess and labeled as such – either with a sticky note or in a brown bag in the fridge so they know what’s what. Apparently, I think they can’t make any decisions for themselves. **sigh**

2. Snacks for the Princess for when she comes home prepared and in brown bags and in the fridge so they are obvious for caregivers when they get her off the bus. Again – apparently my mother is not able to fix a snack. It has to be ready for her.

3. All clothes laid out for The Princess with a note about which shoes to wear just in case she might forget that she has PE that day.

4. A note about the morning routine to make sure that nobody misses anything that is ALWAYS done. This one is actually important as she takes medicine that keeps the asthma away, and we don’t want to mess with that. Especially if I’m out of town.

5. List of medicines and when to give them printed (there is already a copy in the “medicine bag”, but we need one handy) and put on the counter in case The Princess encounters any tummy upsets, cough, fever, etc while I’m gone. Yes, I have a cell phone and yes The Sweetie can read labels and yes The Princess knows EXACTLY how much medicine she’s supposed to have. However, still need the list.

6. All the laundry in the house has to be done. ALL of it. Because, what if The Sweetie wants to wear that one thing that I haven’t washed. I would feel SO bad if it wasn’t available to him. Please not that The Princess’s clothes will be laid out, but she may want that other t-shirt and it HAS to be ready for her. I’m closing in on neurotic. I know.

7. A sweet treat will need to be available to sweeten the fact that I’m not there. The Sweetie is loving Cocoa Krispies treats right now. I see a batch of those in my future.

8. Notes to be read at bedtime by The Princess (and maybe My Sweetie) so that she knows I’m thinking of her even when I’m gone. I’ve done this one in the past, and it means SO MUCH to both of them. BOTH their love languages are quality time – meaning they LOVE to be with me. So, when I’m not there, a note helps.

9. Present wrapped, note with directions, and instructions for how to get The Princess to a birthday party on Saturday. I ALWAYS do the birthday parties. So, gotta have all that ready to go.

10. PREP for RETREAT! The whole reason I’m going to be gone – a work retreat. That, I’m running. So, ya, gotta get all that stuff together too. And, I’m cooking for my team. That’s my love language. Cooking for others. There would be some prep work there too. That would be an entire other list.

I’ve got a busy 48 ahead of me. But, I LOVE it. Love the family I’m preparing to leave. Love the team I’m preparing to serve. And I’m SO thankful that my cold seems to be going away. Now, I do need to work on some of the neurotic over-planning tendencies… Nah, then I wouldn’t be me!

What’s on your plate today? Anyone have as crazy (and I do mean crazy as in loony) a list as me?

If you want to see other Top Ten Tuesday lists, head on over to She’s got some good ones up already.

Top Ten Tuesday: Things I might eat today

This one is for the ladies. Seriously guys, if you’re not married, it’s gonna be TMI. If you are married, well, you’ll know what I’m talking about, but perhaps not the severity of the situation.

So ladies. You know that day of the month where you could eat the whole day. I mean THE. WHOLE. DAY! Where as you’re eating one thing, you’re thinking about what else would taste good. You know the day the prepares you for pregnancy cravings. Ya, today would be my day. Yesterday was the “I’m going to snap your head off” day. (Let my just say a public apology to my daughter for yesterday. Poor kid.) Today is the eat all day day. Same way – every month. One right after the other and then BAM! In honor of this wacky/hormonal day, here is a list of what I MIGHT eat today.

1. If I had gone to the office today instead of working from home, I MIGHT have eaten at Mommy Francis for breakfast and ordered their AMAZING pancakes. LOVE THEM!! With lots of syrup of course.

2. If I had gone to the office today, I MIGHT have eaten lunch at The Robin Hood Tavern (I couldn’t find a link) and had this yummy massive cheeseburger thing with onion strings on top. Oh my, it’s tasty… and salty. Perfect.

3. If I had gone to the office today, I MIGHT have eaten lunch at Tanner’s Chicken and had the fried chicken salad. Ya, the word salad is in there, but the awesome chicken fingers take all the healthy yuck out of it.

4. If I had gone to the office today, I MIGHT have had a gelato for dessert – chocolate of course.

See, it’s a good thing I didn’t go into the office today. I’m working from home – where I can eat from my pantry! Whew! Saved from all that yummy goodness…

Now, out of the pantry I MIGHT eat…

5. Popcorn with M&Ms. One of MY favorite treats. The trick is to pour the M&Ms right after the popcorn pops. Then they get melty. Mmmmm… Who am I kidding. There is no MIGHT about this one. I’m eating it right now.

6. The leftover wings from small group last night. My husband probably thinks he’s having these for dinner tonight. I wonder how many MIGHT go missing.

7. The chocolate mint Jelly Belly’s that Santa put in my stocking. I sorta forgot about them, but just discovered them while digging around for M&Ms. Ya, this whole bag MIGHT not make it until the end of the day.

8. I’ve got brownie mix in my pantry. I MIGHT have to make some of those. Turning on the oven would warm the house up. Hmmmm…

9. Then, there is the old standby. A container of chocolate icing. I MIGHT have been known to consume one or two over the years on the Eat All Day Day. Learned this trick from a friend in college. You will always find chocolate icing in my pantry. Just in case I MIGHT need it.

10. Just remembered! I’m meeting some ladies for dinner tonight at Chili’s. I MIGHT have to skip the dinner part and go straight to the Molten Chocolate Cake. Of course, I can get a big, juicy burger there… Hmmmm…

So ladies – what do you eat on your Eat ALL Day Day?

If you don’t have one of those every month, count yourself blessed and me jealous.

Head on over to and check out some more Top Ten Tuesdays. They’re fun to read!

Top Ten Tuesday: 2010 Goals

Today was my first “real” day of 2010. As in, up before the family to make sure lunches were made and breakfast started. Froze my fanny off taking the Princess to the bus stop. Climbed in the mini-van and headed to the office. Left the office (after several meetings) in time to make it home to freeze my fanny while getting the Princess off the bus. Snack and homework. TV cuddle time. Dinner (with homemade hot dog bun/rolls). Book reading. Bed time. Laundry. Finish working. Now relaxing on the couch. Wow! That’s what a “real” day looks like – never written it out before. No wonder I’m tired at the end of the day.

Well, as today truly starts my 2010, I wanted to actually write down my goals for this year. This is a big step for me. I don’t usually write down goals. I let them simmer in my head. Just a hint – they don’t get accomplished all that well when they stay in your head. Sometimes they do, but not often. So this year I’m writing them down. Here are my top ten goals for 2010 (in no particular order).

1. Save money on groceries! Whenever we look at the numbers, the grocery total is ALWAYS too heavy. Part of this is because I like to cook for others. A LOT. I always have a meal in my freezer for a neighbor having a bad day, someone who is sick, or a new mom. ALWAYS! And, we, as a family, feel like it’s important for those meals to be in the freezer. That means I need to get smarter about how I’m making those meals. More coupons and watching the deals. I am currently doing the Eat From the Pantry Challenge in order to save some money this month.

2. Use cash envelopes for budgeting. We have a budget. It’s a good one. However, it’s hard to keep to it, when you don’t use the cash envelopes. We were doing this awhile back, but I got lazy. I need to get un-lazy. I need to use the cash envelopes.

3. Plan at least 3 couples getaways for the year. We just went on one. You can read about our cupcake fun here. I hope to tell you more about the trip tomorrow. Gotta get the pictures together. Anyway, it was GREAT to be just us for 48 hours. We need to do it more often. The Princess understands. In her words, “It helps you not get divorced.” So sad how many friends she has whose parents are going through rough times. We want to be proactive and never be one of those couples.

4. Read more leadership books. I want to make sure I’m growing as a leader both in my job and volunteer roles. So, I want to read at least 6 leadership books this year. So far on my list I’ve got 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey (I’ve actually never read it – CRAZY), StrengthsFinder 2.0 (I know my strengths, but have never read about them.), and Good to Great by Jim Collins. I’m looking for three more. If you’ve got any ideas, please share!!!

5. Read more personal development books. Are you seeing a theme here? I am sadly lacking in my non-fiction, challenging myself, reading. I tend to read (and I read VERY fast) fiction to escape. I’m not using my powers for good – to learn more and be better. Two that are for sures in this category are The Principal of the Path by Andy Stanley and Parenting By the Book by John Rosemond. The rest I haven’t determined yet. If you have some suggestions, I’d love to hear them. I’m wanting to push myself, making me think of ways to be a better person, wife, mom, and Christian.

6. More focused Mommy time. The Princess and I have several hours together each day – just us. I need to savor those and really focus on parenting during those. I don’t need to be worrying about getting that last email out or getting the last socks sorted. I need to take time to listen and hold and cuddle and just be. I won’t have these afternoons for many more years, and I need to count them as precious. Patterns we create now are the ones that will follow her into her teens. We need strong, bonding patterns now to survive the storms to come.

7. More focused time overall. I feel like I waste too much time flitting from place to place. And checking Twitter and Facebook. A goal this year is to accomplish tasks in short increments of time, take a tiny break, and then move on to the next increment. Working on a better list system to help me know what needs to be done and then get it done.

8. Healthy Lifestyle. I need a better one. That’s all.

9. Continue blogging. I’ve just recently became a blogger. I wouldn’t even say I’m a “real” blogger. I’m just getting the hang of it. But, I’m really enjoying it, and have lots of ideas of things to write about. And I love reading what everyone else has to say. So much fun!

10. Be the best I can be for my God, my husband, and my daughter. They deserve the best I’ve got to give.

It’s interesting to look at them all typed out. Lots of self-improvement on the list and better discipline. Maybe it’s because I’m heading towards forty….

To seem more Top Ten Tuesday lists pop over to She’s got a carnival going on!

Top Ten Tuesday: 2009 Blessings

I got up early this morning so I could have some quiet time to reflect on the year that is/was 2009. The house is still quiet. The only sound is my fingers on the keys of the laptop. Ahhh…wonder how long that will last. Right now, it’s just me, the computer, and the Lord. And, I’ve got so much to be thankful for this year. I thought I’d share with you.

So, here are my Top Ten Blessings of 2009:

10. The Internet – Seriously consider this a blessing. It allows me to connect with friends and family. It allows me to find out things I don’t know. And, even things I didn’t know I didn’t know.

9. House of Hills Blog – I’ve been playing with blogging for about a year and a half, and have just recently started doing it for “real.” I LOVE it. It’s such a creative outlet. And, if people don’t want to read it, that’s fine. If people learn something from me, that’s great. If I help one extended family member feel a little closer to us and give them a glimpse of our lives, that’s awesome.

I feel like Twitter should be in here somewhere… hmmm…

8. Mommy Blogs – This kinda goes with #9. To get into blogging, you’ve got to read blogs. And man o man have I been reading blogs. And learning SO much about how other people do the whole house running thing and parenting and cooking and cleaning. It’s amazing. Hmmm…maybe next week I’ll do a top ten blogs I read…. that’s an idea. But, to narrow it to ten…

7. My love of cooking – This is a huge blessing. It gives me a way to give to others and to spread love and cheer. I feel really blessed that I’m able to bring a smile to someone’s face with muffins or a freezer meal. I LOVE to help people, and my love of cooking seems to be a real conduit for helping others. (Now, please note that I’m not a Martha, I’m a Betty. So, we’re not talking huge, fancy meals coming out of this house. We’re talking casseroles. Just wanted to clarify.)

6. My neighborhood – I’ve got an AWESOME neighborhood. Friends you can call at a moment’s notice when you’re not feeling great and say “Can my kid come and play?” Neighbors who will watch your kid at the pool while you run and get the pizza for dinner or vice versa. A safe place to ride your bike where you know everyone is watching out for each other’s kids. Yep, I have a great neighborhood. One of the things I’ll REALLY miss if our house ever sells and we move to the other side of town (closer to our jobs). Anyone want a house in a great neighborhood? Tee hee hee…

5. My job – I work for an amazing company doing work that directly affects children’s relationships with their Heavenly Father. I get to do that – and get paid. What’s even more awesome is how family friendly they are. I work from home a lot and go into the office a couple times a week, with the understanding that I leave to make it to the bus stop on time. The people I work for are amazingly supportive, and I have grown SO much in the last two years. My job is an amazing blessing.

4. My church – We LOVE LOVE LOVE our church. We love their mission (and that they stay on mission). We love their programming. We love our small group. We love our child’s small group leaders. Ya, it’s a blessing…

3. My little girl – Wow! She has grown so much over the last year. Each month week day brings out a new aspect of her personality – the young woman she’s becoming. She’s seven now, and what a fun age! She has become someone you can hang out with – cook with, go shopping with, go to the movies with. She’s just a hoot. And, she’s becoming so much more responsible. It’s amazing to watch her grow. And daunting to know that we’ve been given the task of molding her into the woman God desires her to be. Oh my, this could get really deep and overwhelming.. Next!

2. My sweetie – My other half. Seriously a HUGE blessing. HUGE. Who would I be if I hadn’t met him? I can’t even imagine. I did a top ten blog on him this fall. That’s how much I love him. He got his own top ten. And what blows me away often is that he loves me back – personality quirks and all. We are so very thankful for our marriage.

1. My Savior – Christmas always serves as a reminder to put it all back in perspective. Our greatest gift. The only gift we really need is the Savior. Born and died for us. What a blessing.

So, those are my top ten blessings. And now that I’m all mellow and introspective….

Wanna see more top tens? Click on over to and see who else has linked up.