Freezer Cooking 01.10

After completing my Eat From the Pantry challenge, I had some room in my freezer. I didn’t do super on the pantry challenge, but I was able to save some money from the grocery budget and use up some of my stores. So, what do I always do with empty space? I FILL IT UP!

When I saw that Money Saving Mom and Life As Mom were doing a freezer cooking day, I thought I’d jump in and do a little something for the freezer. Since I’ve been needing a baking fix all week, I knew it would be an opportunity to finally do some baking. Plus, I had some fruit that needed to be used or it was going to be past it’s prime.

So, this weekend I whipped up a batch of:

Banana Chocolate Chip Nut Muffins

Pear Muffins

and I made a quick

Breakfast Quiche

Was it a huge freezer cooking day, NOPE. Was it what I could do this weekend? YEP. And, I got to scratch my baking itch!

Do you do a freezer cooking day? How often? What types of things do you make?

If you want to see what others did on their Freezer Cooking Day, head on over to Money Saving Mom.

Top Ten Tuesday: February 2010

Somehow it is already February of the year 2010. I’m truly not sure how this happened. I seem to have missed several days here and there because HOW IS IT ALREADY FEBRUARY??!!

Okay, now that I’ve go that off my chest, there are several things that I’m looking forward to in the month of February 2010. Let’s look at them together shall we?

Feb 2nd – LOST – There really is nothing else to say. Life has started again.

Feb 6th – Seeing John Ortberg at a church dinner for small group leaders. I love my church. They so equip their leaders.

Feb 9th – Reading to the Princess’s class. I love reading to her class. It’s so much fun. And, I scratch that “I used to love being a teacher (well parts of it) itch.”

Feb 11th – Consumer Day with the Princess. I can’t wait to see what all the second graders have made to “sell.” We’ve been working hard on the Princess’s product.

Feb 12th – Chaperone for the Princess’s field trip. I think we’re going to see Cinderella – the play. This would not be something I miss from teaching. In fact, field trips are NOT my favorite, but I’ve got teacher eyes, which means they don’t stop moving -EVER, and that makes for a good chaperone. Plus, the Princess loves that I come with her. So, I go every year.

Feb 14th – Valentine’s Day – The day to shower love on My Sweetie and the Princess. I remember in college I boycotted and wore black. Now, it’s a big event, and I don’t wear black.

Feb 16th – Soccer practice starts for spring season. The Princess LOVES LOVES LOVES her soccer team. She will be so excited, so it will be fun to watch. I love watching her in joy mode.

Feb 17th – House of Hills’ Girl Day – The Princess is out of school all that week. This is going to be our girlie day – nails, lunch, and shopping.

Feb 26th – Date Day – The Sweetie has Fridays off. Every once in awhile I like to take one off and spend it with him. I’m putting this one on the calendar NOW!

Have you got great plans for this month?

Head on over to OhAmanda for more Top Ten Tuesday Lists.

Menu Plan Monday: 02 01 10

Monday: Small Group (I’m still not cooking – wahoo!)

Tuesday: Beef sandwiches – A beef roast in the crockpot all day, then pulled and put back in juices. Serve on rolls with monterey jack cheese.

Wednesday: Tacos

Thursday: Italian Sausage and Stuffing, Green Beans

Friday: Leftovers

Saturday: Pizza Night – Mom and Dad are going out!

I am excited to say that I’m not going to have to buy any meat for this week. I’m just going to need to get some fresh produce and some more tortillas for taco night. Trying so hard to not buy things when I need them, but to buy them when they are on sale. This switch in thinking is proving to be harder than I thought it would be. I will persevere!!

Linked up to: Meal Plan Monday at

Pear Muffins

Muffins, muffins everywhere!!! What do I do with all these muffins that I make? Well, some I give away (I’m taking a dozen of these to church today), some I eat (YUMMY!), some I freeze to eat later (YUMMY later!), and some I freeze to give to a family in need at a later time. Muffins are GREAT for new moms – they’re such a quick snack.

I found a pear bread recipe about a year ago when I bought a basket of produce from a co-op – I was filling in for someone. In the fabulous basket of produce were LOTS of pears. The House of Hills are not big pear eaters so I had to find something to do with them. So I searched and found this recipe. It made two beautiful loaves of bread.
Well, I prefer muffins to bread any day. Easier to freeze. Easier to eat. So, this weekend, I made the bread recipe into muffins. They turned out DIVINE!
I adjusted the baking temperature to 400 and baked for 17 minutes.
You should try them. They are so YUMMY!

Breakfast Quiche

We’ve I’ve been trying to eat out go through the drive-thru less. Yes, it is totally my problem. Nobody else in the House of Hills has the addiction to the drive-thru. I think it’s actually my addiction to the fountain diet coke. I LOVE fountain diet coke That’s an entirely different post.

My biggest weakness is breakfast. It’s JUST SO EASY to grab a biscuit (and diet coke) on the way to work. Thankfully, I only go to the office three times a week. So that’s only three times that I’m out at breakfast. But still, that ADDS up – and fast!

Two weeks ago, I made some Eggwiches (Thanks to for the recipe link.) and froze them. They’re great to take to the office. I’m really enjoying them. But, I wanted something else to swap off with the Eggwiches so that I wasn’t eating the same thing every time I went to the office.

I decided to make a BREAKFAST QUICHE jumping off a recipe from the cookbook Maggie got for Christmas last year, Paula Deen’s Kids Cookbook.


Frozen Pie Shell (deep dish)

diced ham (I used about 1/4 pound)

Bacon left over from breakfast (about 4 slices)

1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

3/4 cups egg substitute

1 1/2 cup cream

Preheat oven to 350.

Place meat in bottom of pie crust. Sprinkle cheese over top.

Mix together the egg substitute and cream and pour mixture over cheese.

Place the quiche on a cookie sheet for overflow.

Bake for 35-40 minutes/until center is not jiggly.

Let sit for 15 minutes before serving.

To Freeze: Cool completely and then cut into serving sized slices. Wrap each slice in plastic wrap and then place all slices in freezer bag.
Let thaw overnight and then heat to serve.

Linked to Ultimate Recipe Swap:Eggs.

Banana Chocolate Chip Nut Muffins

How often do you look at the fruit bowl and say “I’ve got to do something with those bananas!” I unfortunately seem to do it all the time. I somehow am unable to pick up the right size bunch at the store and always end up with one or two going “bad.” Now, “bad” is a relative term in the House of Hills. The Princess won’t touch them if there is any softness or brown spots at all. I’m okay until they get somewhat spotty. My Sweetie, who makes a smoothie every morning, will use them until they are just mush.

It’s the mushy ones that make the best banana muffins. Then, the banana flavor is REALLY there. When I don’t have time to make muffins right away, I’ll mash up the bananas and freeze them, being sure to write on the bag how many cups of mushy stuff is in there. The pint freezer bags are great for that.

My favorite banana nut muffin recipe is one I have adapted from a recipe from Cooking with Paula Deen from January/February 2008. I keep all her magazines, and this issue has several post it’s sticking out of it and is quite stained. So, it’s one I love.

Paula’s recipe for Banana Nut Muffins is available on her magazine website. I just discovered this website while writing this post. I’m definitely going to have to check it out more thoroughly. Maybe I can actually throw away all those back issues if the recipes are online – wahooo!!!

I follow her recipe except add a few more nuts – I never measure nuts – so I’m not sure how much I use, but it’s more than a cup. I also add about a cup of chocolate chips. Again, I don’t measure, but it’s at least a cup. That’s all personal preference.

These muffins are so moist and yummy, and they freeze well. I’ve given them often to neighbors or taken them to work, and they always go fast. Making them is definitely better than throwing those mushy bananas away.

What’s your favorite thing to do with bananas?

Lazy Day Saturday

It’s a cold, rainy day here in the ATL. I’m thankful that we’re not iced in but, it’s cold and wet, and I so don’t want to go outside. AMAZINGLY!! We have have no plans for the day. That doesn’t happen very often. In fact, I can’t remember the last Saturday when we had absolutely nothing to do. So, today is a lazy pajama Saturday. The Princess and I have had some pancakes and are now figuring out what to do with the rest of the day.

I do have this bowl of fruit that I need to do something with. The Princess said she might help me.

I think I’ll make the muffins I talked about on Tuesday with the pears and then some banana muffins with the recipe I love from Paula Dean. I just have to find that issue of the magazine.

So it’s a lazy day here at the House of Hills.

What are you doing on this Saturday? Are you snowed or iced in? Are you heading to a birthday party? Whatever it is – I hope you’re having some family fun!!

Things I Love Thursday: Mark It!

I have an addiction. I will admit it. It’s an addiction. I LOVE LOVE LOVE school supplies. Seriously! In August, when all the school supplies are out in those big bins, it’s truly heaven on earth for me. And now that the Princess has a school supply list – OH MY! It’s a wonderful thing. I actually have to hold back and make sure I take her with me when shopping her list.

She gets mad if I leave her out, because…are you ready for this…my addiction is hereditary. It is. The Princess gets the same gleam in her eye when she walks down the school supplies aisle. I think we both just grin from ear to ear. It’s a true bonding experience. It can also be an expensive one.

Last week I had to go to the office supply store before my work retreat and the Princess of course came with me to see what she could throw in the cart unnoticed. There were several things I needed to pick up and all in the color orange. It’s a long story, but let’s just say that my company’s signature color is orange. In a MAJOR way. Now, just to let you know – orange pens are hard to find. In fact, you can’t find an orange ball point pen. But, you can find orange markers. And, you can sometimes find markers available for single unit purchase at the office supply store. We came home with these beauties.

Aren’t they gorgeous. Pardon my photography. I’m not good, but the markers are AMAZING!!!! Seriously, AMAZING! The orange one is mine. The blue one belongs belonged to the Princess. I gave an orange one to everyone on my team, and they were all raving about them. In fact, two gals have told me that they let their kids have the other goodies I gave them, but they won’t let them near the marker. I’ve been walking around with my orange one in my pocket since I got home. I use it for everything. (And now I’ve confiscated the Princess’s blue one  -ha ha ha – evil laughter.)

“What are they?” you ask – since you can’t read the pen on my fabulous photography. They’re the BIC Mark it! Ultra Fine Point Permanent Marker that would be the official name. I went and checked on the BIC website and they come in 36 colors – oh my! That almost makes me tear up with joy. Thirty-six colors!!!!! I see a trip to Staples in my future. That’s where I got the two I already have. They had a fabulous display and everything. It was LOVELY.

**Sigh** I’m in love… with markers….

What do you love? Check out what others love over at Diaper Diaries. You might find something new to adore.

I wasn’t given these markers. I purchased them myself. All opinions are mine and only mine.

Top Ten Tuesday: I Need A Baking Fix!

I love to bake! Especially when it’s cold. The yummy smell of sugar coming from the oven. The warmth that permeates the house. Mmmmm….divine….

Ya, well, I ain’t got time for no baking this week says this overly scheduled editor. Great English there – ya.

So, if I were to bake, these would be on my top ten maybes.

1. Brownie Batter Cupcake OH MY! oohamanda twittered this recipe yesterday. Oh my. Oh my. Oh my!

2. Bread Machine Buttery Rolls – Crystal at Money Saving Mom has made these several times during the Eat from the Pantry challenge. They look like they would melt in your mouth!

3. Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies – They’re healthy right? There’s whole wheat and oats.

4. The Pioneer Woman Cooks – Well, pretty much anything in this cookbook. The Pioneer Woman makes me so happy. I love looking at her recipes both online and in the book.

5. Mix & Match Muffins – This so intrigues me. It’s a basic muffin recipe and then says add what you’ve got as far as fruit and mixings. I’ve got some bananas and pears that need to be used up soon.

6. Apple French Toast Casserole – Ummmm yummm… dessert for breakfast. And I’ve got some apples I could use.

7. Bacon, Cheese & Egg Biscuit Cups – Hello! Breakfast in a biscuit. Perfect for freezing. I might just need to find time for these.

8. Super Bowl Recipes – The House of Hills LOVES LOVES LOVES appetizer night. Might have to get a few of these in the meal plan soon.

9. $5 Dinnners – Another fabulous cookbook I just received. I WON this one. Everybody say Wahoooo! Check out $5dinners. It is another excellent website to get lots of great cooking/baking ideas.

10. Chipotle Chocolate Chip Cookies – Cookies with a kick! My Sweetie is very intrigued by these.

So those are all the things I want to make. Well at least ten of them. My bookmarks list for recipes is getting rather long. Probably need to reorganize that. Hmmm…

If you were going to bake today, what would you bake? What should I bake first on my list?

Head on over and visit Amanda for Top Ten Tuesday. You can go see her even if it’s already Wednesday.