Top Ten Tuesday: Getting Ready to Party

We are getting ready for a HUGE BIRTHDAY PARTY here at the House of Hills. That’s right. I’m turning 39. Not a big deal really. However, the way we are celebrating is A BIG DEAL. We are having an Operation Christmas Child birthday party on Saturday so that I can do a big give on my birthday. That’s what I wanted for my birthday this year. To give to children all over the world.

Here’s a breakdown of what’s happening. I’ve opened my house from 10am to 3pm for people to stop by and pack Operation Christmas Child boxes. Several people have already bought me gifts to go in all the boxes (you can see the list here), and whomever comes over is bringing stuff to finish out the boxes. Then, my family will take them all to a drop off location next week.

OUR GOAL IS 100 BOXES!!! Whoop! Whoop!

In preparation for this party, there is still A LOT to do. Let me share my list with you Top Ten Tuesday Style.

1. Figure out what I’m going to make for folks to eat. Why is this a priority? I don’t know, but when people come to the House of Hills, they expect to be fed… and well. Here’s some ideas I have.

2. Unpack all the stuff that came in the mail. We’ve got lots of boxes. Those need to be unpacked. This part is going to be FUN!

3. Set up stations. The Princess already has a plan for this – I love her planning mind. We’re thinking put up tables and line all the stuff that we have for people to put in boxes on one side of the room and space for actually packing the boxes on the other.

4. Set up a note writing area. I think one of the most amazing things about Operation Christmas Child is that we get to put a note in the box. We get to tell these children that God loves them and that we are praying for them. AWESOME! I want to make sure I have enough stationary so that everyone can write a note for their shoebox.

5. Explain to my daughter that all she thinks is going to fit in a shoebox is not. We went shopping on Sunday. We had a blast and bought TOO MUCH STUFF! Well, not really because it will all be used. She thinks she’s filling three boxes. I think she’s filling eight. Which, is pretty cool.

6. Get some rubber bands. We’re supposed to rubber band the boxes together to drop them off. Ya, I don’t have 100 rubber bands.

7. Print labels for the boxes. Operation Christmas Child provides an awesome directions sheet with labels, I’ve got make sure I have enough of each age group so people can tape them to the boxes. Maybe My Sweetie can do this part. Oh Sweetie!!!!!

8. Clean up the house – people are coming over – enough said.

9. Set up play areas in the basement and in the playroom. We’ve got kids coming over. Their parents are going to want to sit and visit after they pack their boxes. The kids need someplace to go play. I’m thinking of setting up all the Little People in the basement for the littler guys and making the playroom girl central.

10. Pray!! Pray for those that are coming. Pray that we get 100 boxes filled. Pray for the children who will be receiving the boxes. Pray that the Lord blesses this venture. Just pray.

That’s all I can think of right now. Those of you that have packed your boxes already – do you have any ideas? Any helpful tips?

You can be sure that I will be taking lots of pictures and maybe even some video. I’ll share it all with you next week!

Linked to Top Ten Tuesday.

30 Day Give – Day 7

30-Day Giving Challenge

Today was an AWESOME day! The Princess and I set off after church to do some shopping. Well, first we had to have some lunch.

Then, we hit the stores. And we shopped until we dropped. Boy oh boy did we shop! The best part is that we weren’t shopping for our family. We were shopping for others. We were shopping for our Operation Christmas Child boxes that we are packing for my birthday party. We spent HOURS looking for bargains and tossing stuff into the cart. This one for the LITTLE GIRL. This one for the BIG GIRL. This one for the BOY.

That’s right. We’re packing THREE boxes. I had planned on one each – boy and girl, but the Princess wanted to do one for a little girl too. So, she emptied her give box to pay for the stuff to go in that one. I was SO PROUD of her.

The BEST part was how excited she was to come home and sort everything out. She wanted to pack the boxes right away. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen as not everything is here yet for the boxes, but she did get a great start on sorting everything.

As the Princess said while we were shopping, “Today is all about giving Mama!”

30 Day Give – Day 6

30-Day Giving Challenge

Today’s “give” was a really fun one because it gave to me too. The Princess and I went to the UGA game. There were two parts to this experience. First, we got to hang out with my BFF’s family before the game. I helped with the kids a bit and was just general navigational support. Oh, and I did the Chick-fil-a run. This excursion was extra special because our awesome friend V had managed to get them AMAZING seats down near the field and passes to get on the field before the game. This was HUGE because they are MAJOR Bulldog fans, especially Mr. B. I haven’t seen that man smile so much in probably a couple of years. With all that they’ve been going through, it was AWESOME to see them having such a great time as a family.

After we experienced the Dawg Walk together as a group, the B’s went to have their tour of the field, and the Princess and I spent the rest of the day together. Since he was getting awesome seats with the family, Mr. B gave us his season tickets to use. The Princess and I had great GIRL TIME together. First, we went shopping in the bookstore. Um, that was rather insane, but fun at the same time. We both enjoy crowds, so navigated it just fine. Then, we shared a cup of hot cocoa (it was FREEZING outside) before heading into the stadium.

Once inside, we cuddled up under our blanket (Thank God I had brought a blanket.) and watched the game. The ENTIRE game. She didn’t want to leave. We went and got snacks and had potty breaks, but for the majority of the time she was watching the game. This wasn’t her first Bulldog game, but it was the FIRST time she really paid attention. It was the FIRST time she asked questions and tried to understand the process. At one point, she asked “Mommy, why did the clock stop? The clock shouldn’t have stopped. They still have the ball.” I then had to explain about moving the chains on the first downs. I never pay attention to the clock. Do you?

By fourth quarter, we were up 55 to nothing. No, the Dawgs weren’t playing great. Idaho State was just not that good. I suggested leaving. The Princess said “No! I want to stay to the end!!” So, stay to the end we did. We stayed to the end, and enjoyed being together.

I love that the Princess and I enjoy being together. There of course are times when we fight, but right now we mostly get along. It is important that we spend times like these together. Just the two of us, enjoying one another. We’re building the foundation of a relationship that has to last through the teen years. It needs to be strong now so it can persevere later.

Today, I gave my daughter my time, which is probably the greatest gift I can give her.


30 Day Give – Day 5

30-Day Giving Challenge

Today’s give, was actually a preparation to give at a later time. I purchased the Groupon for Build-A-Bear for both my Princess and my niece. I plan on taking them one day during Christmas break. The two of them are really getting to be great friends and enjoy girl only days. This is a relationship I am so thankful my girl has in her life. Oh, and since it’s a short post, here’s a cute picture of the two of them from this fall.

30 Day Give – Day 4

30-Day Giving Challenge

Today, I had the privilege of going in to the Princess’ classroom to volunteer. Do you go in your child’s classroom to volunteer? Aren’t you always amazed with the amount of stuff going on in your child’s classroom? I used to teach school, and I’m overwhelmed with all those women (and men) are asked to do now. And the technology? Oh. My. Goodness!!! What I could have done with all that technology! **sigh**

The coolest thing about going into my child’s classroom though…it’s the JOY on her face when she sees me, her mom, there in her classroom. She is THRILLED when I come in to help. I get big hugs and kisses. It’s awesome. I know I don’t have many years of this left. At some point, eyes are going to roll and a head is going to hang when I walk in the room. I’m going to hear “Oh mom, please!” But, that hasn’t happened yet. Thank God.

I went to give my time today. I went to serve today. Instead of me doing the giving, I was really doing the receiving. My daughter was filling me with love. She truly is out-giving me so far with this challenge.

Have you been giving? What have you been doing?

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a necklace from The Mercy House. Winner will be picked tomorrow night at midnight!

30 Day Give – Day 3

30-Day Giving Challenge

Whew – crazy busy day at work, but I got our give in. Actually, I got two in. I sent mini-loaves of pumpkin bread to school with the Princess for her teachers, and I gave my team some necklaces from THE MERCY HOUSE. They loved them, and I meant to get a picture, but I forgot.

Be sure you check out my SPOTLIGHT ON THE MERCY HOUSE and enter the giveaway. For every comment on that post through Friday night, I will donate $3 to them.


30 Day Give: SPOTLIGHT on The Mercy House (Giveaway)

One of my prayers for the 30 Day Giving Challenge is that I will introduce some giving opportunities to others. I want to share causes that burden my heart and soul and see if they touch yours as well. One of these causes is THE MERCY HOUSE.

I was introduced to THE MERCY HOUSE through it’s founder, Kristen of We Are That Family. I dropped in on Kristen’s blog months ago to link up to Works For Me Wednesday. I keep going back every day because God has used her to stir my heart (and that of many others) almost daily. She and her family are givers. They look for needs, and they fill them. She has organized more giving drives in one year than I have in my entire life. God used all the previous giving challenge to prepare her and her readers for the ultimate challenge. She is working to open a Maternity Home in Kenya. Yes, in Africa. Tell me that’s not a big challenge.

However, Kristen and her family are not alone in this challenge. It has stirred many. It has greatly stirred me. I’ve always had a tender spot for young, unwed mothers. Perhaps it’s from walking with a friend in high school who we thought was pregnant for a time. The decision that friend was trying to make was overwhelming. Perhaps its from loving on young mothers at church who even in much better circumstances than Kenya are suffocating under the intense responsibility that is motherhood. Perhaps it’s having birthed a child surrounded by love and support and kindness and not being able to imagine doing it any other way. Whatever the reason, God has stirred my heart for the young mothers in Africa. They have my prayers daily.

Not only do they have my prayers, but they have my money monthly. I’ve signed up for THE POWER OF THREE. On the 3rd of each month, I give $3 to THE MERCY HOUSE. It might seem small, but it’s consistent. It will become part of my monthly budget. These girls are that important. They deserve to be part of the House of Hills budget.

Today is the 3rd of November. It’s time to give again. I am thankful to do so.

What are you doing this 3rd of November? Do you plan to get a coffee? Do you plan to go out to lunch? Do you plan to download a few tunes?

Do you want to do something even more important with those $3? You could make a difference in the life a woman and a child in a far away land who need you, although they don’t even know you. You have the power to change a life. With just $3.

Another way to give to THE MERCY HOUSE is by purchasing items from their shop on Etsy. They’ve got some beautiful things, and I was lucky enough to win one of their necklaces a few weeks ago from Ohamanda. Ironically, I won it by commenting on her blog that I had just purchased some necklaces to give as gifts.

I also purchased one for ONE OF YOU!

That’s right, it’s a giveaway!!!

Not only can you win this beautiful necklace, but THE MERCY HOUSE will win as well. For each comment on this post (one per person please), the House of Hills will donate an additional $3 to THE MERCY HOUSE this month. You can enter the giveaway and make a difference at the same time. How awesome is that?! Feel free to tell your friends.

So comment below to win the necklace and help change lives of young girls on the other side of the world.

This giveaway and the comment matching donation will run through Friday, November 5th at 11:59PM.

I can’t wait to see what God’s going to do through THE MERCY HOUSE and am excited to be a part of it. Don’t you want to be a part of it too?

Disclosure: I purchased this necklace for you, my readers. All opinions are my own.

30 Day Give – Day 2

30-Day Giving Challenge

My favorite part of today’s give actually came last night. I called the Princess (who was spending the night at her Grandma’s – no school today) and explained that her friend wanted her to go ice skating with her family this afternoon. We had originally called this friend to go to a bounce house with us this afternoon. Treating this friend to the bounce house was going to be our give. It’s what the Princess put on the giving calendar. When learning that we wouldn’t be taking said friend to the bounce house, the Princess’ first response was, “But mom, that was going to be our give. We need a give.” I LOVE THAT! I LOVE that she’s involved with this as much as I am. I LOVE that she recognizes that we are giving. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

What’s even cooler. She did our give for us, and with a happy heart.

That’s my Princess on the left with her cousin, E. They packed 100 bags of candy to go in the Operation Christmas Child boxes we’re packing at MY BIRTHDAY PARTY.

Apparently it was exhausting work….

I was so proud of them. Grandma said they had fun and worked together to get it done. Although apparently mine was bossy and took charge. Can’t imagine where that comes from. She was very proud to bring the bags home ready to be placed in the boxes.

So today’s give was brought to you by The House of Hills Princess. Oh, and I took a friend out to breakfast and gave her a listening ear. But, the Princess out gave me today. LOVE IT!

30 Day Give – Day 1

30-Day Giving Challenge

Today was the first day of The 30-Day Giving Challenge, and I woke up bright and early to make sure I got my give done. See, I wanted to surprise my co-workers with hot apple cider and warm muffins for our staff meeting at 9:30. This sounds easy enough, except that the recipe I chose needed to be in the crockpot for two to three hours. Um, that meant I needed to start it at by 6:30…in the morning. And, I didn’t think I could transport liquid safely in my car. So, I needed to get it going at 6:30 IN the office. Fortunately, my office is literally seven minutes from my house. So, I got up and hopped in the van and ran over to the office to start the cider. Don’t tell anybody, but I went in my PJs and sweatshirt. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to run into anyone at that hour. Then, I came home and made the muffins. By the time staff meeting started, we had a lovely spread!

Now, truly, this was an easy give for me. I had to start out with something easy, right? And baking is easy for me. Doesn’t take me much effort at all. In fact, when people fuss about how I make good food etc, I usually scoff and say “Oh, it’s no big deal.”

However, something I heard in yesterday’s sermon is really sticking with me today. God gives us each special gifts. Duh, kinda knew that preacher man. So, my ability to bake and feed the masses – that’s a gift. Well, ya I guess so. So, when I scoff and say “It’s no big deal,” I’m not honoring that gift. I’m not honoring the One who gave me the gift to make yummy muffins. Oh, wow, well, that brings a whole different light to it doesn’t. In fact, when I say “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m not that good a cook,” really I’m showing false humility. Really, I’m lying aren’t I. I can make some tasty treats, and I KNOW it. To deny it is actually being false. Now that just hits you right in the gut! Wow! And then WOW again. Yesterday’s sermon hit me on SO MANY levels. This is the piece that sticks with me the most. God has given me gifts, and He wants to use those gifts to glorify Him. When someone acknowledges a gift, say thank you and give credit where credit is due.

We decided as a small group tonight to continue investigating our spiritual gifts. I can’t wait to see what God shows us through this time. I wonder how else He can use me?


The 30 Day Giving Challenge

30-Day Giving Challenge

Those of you who have been reading House of Hills for awhile know that I’m a giver. Seriously, in a major way. I love to give. I love to serve. There are so many places where we can give our time, our resources, our love. There never seems to be a lack of need does there?

So, when I read about The 30-Day Giving Challenge, I was intrigued. A challenge – love those. Giving – love that. This seemed like a win-win all around. Then, I saw the list of bloggers who were leading the challenge. LOVE THEM! What an amazing group of women with incredibly giving hearts. AWESOME LADIES! I’m honored just to be listed on the same website as them. I’m in the blogroll part of the website along with a slew of other bloggers who have accepted the challenge.

The challenge begins November 1st and runs through November 30th. We are challenged to give in some way each day of the month. That’s right – GIVE EVERY DAY! We can give our time, our energy, our money… we just have to give. Then, we are to journal about it. We can journal privately or publicly. My goal is to share as many of my giving opportunities with you as possible.  I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!

In addition to the challenge of giving every day, I’m increasing the challenge for myself. I want to give in ways I’ve never given before. When I give, I usually cook or bake. That’s easy for me. And, I know I’ll do that some this month. However, I want to push myself to step out of my comfort zone, to rely on God to give me strength to try something new. I know by pushing myself and relying on Him, I’ll grow more and learn more.

One BIG GIVE we’re doing here at the House of Hills is my BIRTHDAY PARTY. We are super excited about this and getting things together even now to prepare for it. If you are in the North-Atlanta area and want to come by, I’d love to meet you! This is probably our biggest challenge of the month.

Please note that I said OUR biggest challenge. The House of Hills is in this together. We’ve worked on filling in the planning calendar from The 30-Day Giving Challenge website as a family. Everyone has given ideas, and several of the things we are going to do as a family unit. In fact, my Princess is a little stressed out that all the boxes are not filled yet. She’s a planner like her mommy. I told her we needed to leave some space to let God show us a need. We want to make sure we are glorifying Him in this adventure.

Make sure you click over daily to see how we’re serving those around us. I hope to post each night and include as many pictures as possible. Everything’s better with pictures isn’t it? I can’t wait to see how this challenge unites us as a family in an effort to serve those in need this month. I am praying for God to do amazing things through the House of Hills.